- Well, 2025 is the year I turn 50. That feels like a big number.
- I got myself a Steamdeck for Christmas. I mean, a combination of Ellen and my parents getting it for me, in what has become creating Christmas gift-giving accounting. But it’s mine now. I like it.
- I got the LCD version because I couldn’t really justify an additional $200 for the OLED screen. If I’m missing out, I don’t know it. It’s great.
- The house isn’t done yet. We got hung up on bureaucracy, mostly. But we waded through it and we’re out the other side, so things are happening again. That’s nice. I’m fairly confident we’ll actually be able to move in this year. Maybe I’ll post photos. Would you like to see photos?
- I started the work to migrate this blog off WordPress and onto (unless I get even more frustrated) 11ty. It’s not as plug-and-play as I would like. But I do think the flexibility it gives me will pay dividends. I guess. I’m not convinced anyone is reading this.
- I did turn off comments a long time ago. So it’s not like anyone can tell me otherwise. Hit me up on Mastodon!
- Hot on the heals of the Steamdeck, I picked up Dragon Age: Veilguard. I may need a whole post for my thoughts on that. It does feel nice to be rummaging around seedy, blood-stained basements in Thedas again, tho.
- I’m not really looking forward to 2025 for reasons you might be able to guess on your own, and probably aren’t looking to me to get into too deeply.
- As of May, Ellen and I are living together. Unfortunately, we’re living together in the house her parents are renting that she’s allergic to. That’s not great. But I’m glad we’re together.
- The little guy is delightful as ever. Although I did just have to deal with a half-hour tantrum about wanting to keep wearing a very wet diaper. (Yeah, he should be toilet trained by now, but we’ve been holding out till we’re in the new house which will have no carpets).
- Doctor Who was mildly disappointing but generally in line with my expectations of Russel’s showrunning. So it’s fine. I like Ncuti as the Doctor. I wish other people wrote for him more. But that’s been true of all Russel’s Doctors.
- Star Trek: Lower Decks was pretty much the best.
- I had high expectation for The Acolyte and was mildly disappointed (not that I thought it was bad and I’m sad it was cancelled, but I was hoping for a bit more).
- The Skeleton Crew is exceeding my expectations, tho. That thing is great.
- I guess I mostly watch very old franchise television.
- I’d like to find ways to spend more time with friends this year. I’m not going to call that a resolution because calling it that pretty much guarantees I won’t do it out of spite.
Tag: Meta
WWBA and stuff
My poor, neglected blog.
Don’t have time for a proper update, but for ages I’ve been meaning to point out that I’m now a contributor to the [Waterloo Wellington Bloggers’ Association](http://waterloowellingtonblogs.org/) group blog. I haven’t figured out how or if I’m going to do cross-posts, but I’ve posted a few things about local stuff.
I’ve also been using Twitter a lot more lately, so [you can read that if you want more of an insight into what’s going on in my head at any given moment](http://twitter.com/flying_squirrel)…
I am very, very tired, but I can’t sleep. What better time than to go ramble on my blog?!
Wa-hey, I have a blog. I keep forgetting. I’ve gotten out of the habit of thinking of things to post.
When I was in highschool, I had this idea in my head that I should really keep a (private) journal, because every once in a while I’d realize that I was framing things that happened to me into narrative, but I never wrote any of it down. I never got around to doing that.
It was actually one of the reasons I first thought it would be a very good idea to get a computer. Because if I had a computer, I could write things down there. My handwriting sucks, and typing out a journal on my typewriter (yes, I had a typewriter) seemed a bit silly.
Like I said, though, I never got around to doing it. Just writing for myself never seemed like enough motivation.
A decade or so later, I decided I could make my homepage more interesting by [posting stories and observations and stuff there](http://web.archive.org/web/19981206031231/www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~dscassel/). And that was nice. And then the whole blogging thing started to happen and I decided to get on-board with that. All because every once in a while I get things in my head that want to get out.
And I still get those, but I’ve never quite managed to get into a consistent routine about getting things out there.
[NaBloPoMo](http://www.nablopomo.com/) actually helped, even though I didn’t quite make it. Apparently they’re making every Mo’ a NaBloPoMo. It’s not [blog365](http://blog365.ning.com/), which seems like a bit of overkill for me, but maybe I’ll take up the challenge again in March or April.
I’ll have to think about it.
I have the stories running through my head, but they’re harder to tell right now. Work is interesting, but I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t get anything out of it. Trying to tell work stories is really hard, because trying to come up with something abstract to talk about that isn’t specifically about what I’m working on, yet isn’t so abstract as to be devoid of any meaning… that’s tough. I’m pretty happy with my personal life, but since another person is involved, I’m a lot more reluctant to talk about it.
Those two things are taking up a sizable portion of my headspace at the moment, so I suppose it’s not too surprising I’m having a hard time writing long dissertations on other stuff.
My brain is going all fuzzy now. I’m tying this in bed on [my new(ish) laptop](http://system76.com/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=47). That’s another thing I really should write about. I have things to say! Just not right now.
Maybe if I turn it off I’ll be able to get some sleep…
We’re back
I should leave a quick note to acknowledge that yes, the blog is back. I don’t have time right now to write anything more substantial than that. I managed to kill another motherboard. Somehow. I’m a little bit annoyed that this motherboard wasn’t a crappy old one I got for free. It was supposed to be driving my home theatre PC, one I got around to setting that up. I’ll have to somehow work that set-back into the plans.
I mentioned over on my livejournal during the downtime that I have a whole bunch of things queued up to write about. Still haven’t found the time to write about them. But here’s the list anyway:
* My new old stereo (in short, it’s awesome).
* My back (I have a lot of tension, apparently).
* The gym (I’m actually going).
* Mould (My bedroom window got kinda mouldy).
* Home renovation work (I may be getting a little ahead of myself…).
* The Doctor Who RPG (Anybody want to play?).
* Regular gaming (it’s back! And it starts today).
* Another stupid Facebook post (I probably shouldn’t bother).
* My new laptop (I got it! Despite power management weirdness, I’m very happy).
* Torchwood (I should watch the first episode first).
* Nodame Cantibile (really cute anime I started watching).
* etc.
So yes, I’m back. A real update should happen soon. Ish. Soon-ish. When I have time.
NaBloPoMo 2007 Final Status: Fail
I was doing pretty well up until the last week too…
Ah well, maybe next year. Actually, I kinda want to try WriMo again next year. We’ll see what’s going on with stuff, I guess.
What it came down to, basically, was the stuff I was spending most of my time thinking about is stuff I’m very reluctant to post out in public like this, and the stuff that I could post about was losing out on processing time to the other stuff. The goal, however, was to get myself to write even when I didn’t feel like writing, so that excuse doesn’t really wash.
Ah well.
I was enjoying it while I was doing it, though. I’ve still got a few posts I wanted to write but never did. There’s also that whole unresolved laptop thing that is just as unresolved for me, too. And I never told you what happened when I went to the gym. I’ll save telling those stories for when they have satisfying conclusions.
For now, though, I am tired and should go to bed.