Nick’s posted his platform for president on the [CTRL-A forum]( and I think it’s awesome. An exerpt:
> When I applied to University, I came across CTRL-A’s website. “Wow,” I thought, “It would be so cool to be part of an actual anime club”. It seemed like such an amazing thing that was beyond my reach. When the acceptance finally rolled in for Waterloo, I was so happy. Not only was I accepted into what I was told was the hardest program to get into, Computer Science at Waterloo, but also, I would be able to join CTRL-A and be part of an actual anime club.
Aw, that made me misty-eyed. That was totally me 12 odd years ago. Except that in 1994, CTRL-A didn’t have a website. But it was still all awesome and shiny and new. And I didn’t know Computer Science sucked yet. But then…
> Maybe I didn’t know what an anime club was supposed to be, or maybe I still don’t, but when I strolled into my first CTRL-A meeting, I wasn’t very excited. Not only was it particularly stuffy, what with people arguing about the constitution, but I felt out of place. From my little knowledge of anime, I suggest some shows for samplers, and was scoffed at, to say the least. The shows weren’t much better. It wasn’t all that exciting to come out to the shows, and I gradually through choice and accident, ended up missing more and more shows as I joined the club for the second time.
As one of the people who likely scoffed at show suggestions, I’d like to apologize. I’m old. It’s what old people do. It’s one of the reasons I’ve gotten out of the way.
Nick is right on the money. CTRL-A *should* be a fun club where anime fans can hang out with their friends. It actually *was* once. I think it could be again. It just takes someone who cares enough to come along and make that happen.
Go Nick! If I were still going to meetings I’d absolutely vote for you. Any UW students out there should go and do that. It’s your club. Make the most of it.