Easter weekend

I’m back in Belleville for the weekend.

We went to my cousin’s restaurant, the Sweet Basil Cafe, last night. I had the special–wild boar–and a spinach salad. The spinach salad came with carmelized mushrooms and croutons–slices of toasted french bread–with goat cheese. Really nice. The boar was served with braised vegetables in a date sauce. It was all really nice. Not bad for a kid who used to drive me nuts when we were kids.

I’ve been mostly relaxing this weekend. I got a chance to see Matt and family yesterday. I met them for lunch a the mall and we hung out for about as long as my back could take it. This morning my mom and sisters (mostly; I helped cut up some mango) put together a bunch buffet. And tonight I’m ordering out for Chinese food.

God, that’s a lot of food.

I was seriously expecting a “What the Chaucer!” joke on Doctor Who last night, but they managed to get enough jokes in to keep me happy. Woo! A vague reference to [Eternals](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enlightenment_%28Doctor_Who%29)!