Easter Bullets

I thought maybe [Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/flying_squirrel/) may have obviated my need for [bullet posts](http://www.flyingsquirrel.ca/index.php/tag/bullets/), but I like writing them, so you may just have to keep putting up with them. It’s lazy writing, but sometimes I have stuff to say and can’t be bothered to compose paragraphs. Sorry.

* **Happy Easter**!
* A co-worker is one of the minds behind [Zombie Jesus Day](http://zombiejesusday.org). **Happy Zombie Jesus Day**!
* I actually went to **church** this morning. The pews were pretty empty for the early, which was kind of sad, but apparently they were serving a free breakfast at the same time, which might have accounted for the lower attendance. There seemed to be a much more respectable number of people showing up for the second service.
* They had a “Used with permission” notice of **copyright** license for bits of hymns printed in the bulletin. I was a little put out by this, mostly because at least one of the hymns in question was about 130 years old.
* Easter **chocolate** count: 2 fund raising chocolate eggs from the church (it’s traditional… they’re very sweet), 4 truffles from [The Village Chocolatier](http://www.villagechocolatier.ca/Welcome.html) in Bloomfield and a bunch of low-grade foil wrapped eggs that I had to eat so my mother wouldn’t.
* The sacrifices I make…
* No actual **bunnies**, tho.
* Just finished watching the **Doctor Who** Easter Special, [Planet of the Dead](http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/episodes/S0_06). Lots of fun. A bit silly. I enjoyed it.
* On the way into Belleville, I took to listening [**Brotherhood of the Daleks**](http://www.bigfinish.com/114-Doctor-Who-Brotherhood-of-the-Daleks), featuring a blue coated Sixth Doctor and [[wiki:Charley Pollard]]. In an interview on the disc, writer Alan Barnes describes the writing of the episode thus:

> [[wiki:Terry Nation]], whenever he was going to do a new Dalek story, there’d always be some basic gimmick to the Daleks, where they’d have something new or had something taken away. I literally wrote down a list of mad ideas, one of which was they turn into communist, one of which was they’re high on drugs, and one of which was they think they’re [[wiki:Thals]], and I ended up doing all of them.

Indeed. I thought it was fantastic. :D
* There’s a series of [**Red Dwarf Specials**](http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/news/2009/04/10/back-to-earth/). I stopped watching Red Dwarf sometime around season 7, but I’ll give these a shot for old time’s sake.
* They came out with another [firmware update](http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2009/04/new-sansa-fuze-fimware-add-support-for-slotradio.php) for my **[[wiki:Sansa Fuze]]**, adding directory browsing support. I bought one after they released a firmware update with [[wiki:Ogg Vorbis]] support. With those, it catches up with [Rockbox](http://www.rockbox.org/) in terms of functionality, and I don’t have to feel bad about my Sansa e200s dying.
* Now all I need is them to add a feature that shows me which podcasts I haven’t listened to and it would be my ideal player.
* I’ve been (so far indirectly) getting involved in Kitchener-Waterloo’s nascent [**hackerspace**](http://watspace.pbwiki.com/). Actually, I think I’ll save that for its own post…
* I should probably start packing and head back to Waterloo soon.