> [Cross-posted at the Waterloo Wellington Blogger’s Association](http://waterloowellingtonblogs.org/2009/04/pasta-buffet-for-earthquake-relief.shtml). Ellen and I spotted the flier when we were at the Perimeter Institute concert last night and since they’re about a block away from work and I had to get some stuff done today, I decided to give it a shot. Then I decided I should introduce myself as a “local blogger” to get some details for the WWBA, so I posted this there:
I happened to see a flier yesterday for the [Cortina Club](http://www.cortinaclub.org/)’s all day pasta buffet in support of earthquake relief projects in Italy.
The Italian Cortina Club has been in Kitchener-Waterloo for over 40 years, helping to bring together some 185 families in the local Italian-Canadian community. Many of their members have friends and family in who have been displaced or otherwise affected by the [Abruzzo earthquake](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_L%27Aquila_earthquake) last week.
I made the trip down to check out their savoury spaghettata. A heaping plate of pasta is $20 ($10 for kids), and they are very generous with seconds. Not only that, these folks really know how to make pasta.
The Cortina Club is located at [22 Kevlo Place in Kitchener](http://maps.google.ca/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=22+Kevco+Pl.+in+Kitchener.&fb=1&split=1&gl=ca&cid=0,0,17011678365930826213&ei=HQfqSb6kGJrGM5HE0cwF&ll=43.410488,-80.442731&spn=0.011426,0.016479&z=16&iwloc=A), just off Wabanaki Drive. The buffet runs till 6pm. today, Saturday April 18.
If you would like to donate directly, they ask that you donate to the O.S.J Trust Fund L’Aguila Earthquake. They chose that organization on the suggestion of the Italian Consulate.
And if you miss today’s fundraiser, they’re planning a $100 a plate dinner June 13. Watch [their website](http://www.cortinaclub.org/) for details.
Hello Darcy,
I couldn’t help but notice that your site is called the flyingsquirrel.
I have designed a flying model airplane that is called the Squirrel. So it’s a flying Squirrel too!
Sort of related but not related.
Glad you enjoyed the Speghetata! Here is more information on the Fundraising dinner we are hosting…it’s next week…we decided that $75 a ticket would get us to our goal of raising $20k for the reconstruction of the ancient town of L’Aquila. We’ve got a four course dinner of Italian food! All courses were sponsored by very generous businesses in our community.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Time: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Location: Cortina Club of Kitchener-Waterloo, Street: 22 Kevco Place
The Italian Cortina Club of Kitchener-Waterloo is hosting an ambitious fundraising dinner to assist with the reconstruction efforts for the areas devastated by the recent earthquakes in Abruzzo, Italy.
$75 per person with all proceeds going to the reconstruction.
Call Cortina Club to reserve your seats 519-894-3852
Make cheques payable to: O.S.J. Trust Fund L’Aquila Earthquake
Please join us for this urgent and worthy cause.