archived stuffOlder links and things are collected here. fortune on otakuWow. This is actually a great little article. Not only does it mention Svet CosmoGirl! comic (Woo!), but it also points out why ethical fansubbing is good for business and why I refuse to call myself an otaku. As far as (albeit business-oriented) overviews of anime/manga fandom go, I don't think it gets much better than this. howto clear your sinusesHoly crap, this works! Okay, yeah, I know, ew. Congestion often makes it hard for me to get to sleep. I get a lot of sinus headaches. I don't know, allergies or something. If I can deal with that without having to take lots of pseudoephedrine (which, thanks to those kids with their meth labs, might soon go prescription), I'm very happy. treehugger on buy nothing dayI've got somewhat similar feelings about today's "celebrations." new mamoru oshii movie announcedI'll be interested to see how he works flocks of birds and bassett hounds into this one. :D mario marimba medlyOh, this is so awesome, I could cry. (via Boing Boing) kotaku: man attacks childNot the sort of thing you expect to find on a gaming news site, but poignant nonetheless. It's tempting to claim some cultural superiority here, but even if it is perhaps less public, things like this happen around here all the time. A few years ago, I was walking through the University Plaza when I heard a little girl—maybe 7 or 8—start screaming. You know, the usual "I'm not getting my way" little kid hissy fit. Her father had her by the hand and was by then trying to drag her somewhere. Probably to the car or something. She dug her heals in and screamed even louder. The dad picked her up by her armpits and hauled her, literally kicking and screaming, around the corner. He shook her a bit and yelled at her—probably something like "You will do what you're told!" or "You will not embarass me like this in public!", I can't remember. Then he spun her around and started wailing on her behind. That's when some other guy saw them. "Hey, man, that's just not cool. Don't hit your kid like that!" Already pissed off, and now having some guy question his authority, the guy flipped out. "Do you have any kids?! Do you have any idea what it's like? Don't you dare tell me how to raise my daughter! Don't you dare talk down to me in front of her! Fuck you! Just fuck off!" "Hey! I'm telling you that's not right. You just don't do that, man! And so on. He eventually swore a couple more times and dragged his kid off to the car or something. I don't think she knew what to think, really. What struck me about the whole exchange was that, for all his protestations that he had every right to do what he was doing, he still felt he had to try to hide it by going around that corner. the ultimate gaming tableOkay, this is awesome. I think I might have room for something like this too. Hm... You konw, I've been looking around at furniture and things for the computer room and the basement and so on and I'm coming to the conclusion that I might be better making it myself. Of course, I didn't do so well in grade 7 woodshop, and I haven't really done anything since. So there's a little trepidation there. On the other hand, I'll never learn if I don't try. doctor who special!
:D It's the prequel/ I couldn't get the Windows Media stream to work, which is a shame because the audio on the Real Media stream kind of sucks. YMMV. Cloister bell! Update: There's some debate on the Outpost Gallifrey forum as to whether this is part of this is actually part of The Christmas Invasion. The answer, it seems, it no. It was written and shot long after the TCI was finished filming. Rob Shearman (guy who wrote the Dalek episode first season) sez: And, if you think about it - it's a six minute long unbroken scene on one standing set featuring only two actors. If any of us had tried writing something like that into a fast paced action series like Doctor Who in year one, we'd have been given the boot! And there's no way that the BBC's big Christmas special of their huge action success of 2005 would open like that - it'd be against the entire grain of what the series is trying to be. The fact that the CiN mini-episode is as simple and as functional as it is pretty much proves that it's not part of The Christmas Invasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that Russell has a more explosive opening than that...! That said, I have no idea how they'd start the Christmas special now. (Although I'm hoping for more Cloister Bell. :D ) howto disable autorunA quick, easy way to avoid those nasty little music CD rootkits that the big record labels are infecting people with these days... Just as a reminder, it's also probably a good idea to run as a non-adminstrative user. This is a bit of a hassle, compounded by the fact that many applications (*cough* *cough*) still write user settings to the Program Files directory. Still, if you want to keep your system secure, it's a very good idea. yet another reason why aim sucks ass
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