Doctor Who special!
:D It's the prequel/ I couldn't get the Windows Media stream to work, which is a shame because the audio on the Real Media stream kind of sucks. YMMV. Cloister bell! Update: There's some debate on the Outpost Gallifrey forum as to whether this is part of this is actually part of The Christmas Invasion. The answer, it seems, it no. It was written and shot long after the TCI was finished filming. Rob Shearman (guy who wrote the Dalek episode first season) sez: And, if you think about it - it's a six minute long unbroken scene on one standing set featuring only two actors. If any of us had tried writing something like that into a fast paced action series like Doctor Who in year one, we'd have been given the boot! And there's no way that the BBC's big Christmas special of their huge action success of 2005 would open like that - it'd be against the entire grain of what the series is trying to be. The fact that the CiN mini-episode is as simple and as functional as it is pretty much proves that it's not part of The Christmas Invasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that Russell has a more explosive opening than that...! That said, I have no idea how they'd start the Christmas special now. (Although I'm hoping for more Cloister Bell. :D ) comments:This post is archived. Comments are disabled. Feel free to send me email if you have something to say. |