archived stuff

Older links and things are collected here.

k-w mom sued for libel

...for reporting the labour and environmental abuses of local developers.

Honestly, I'm not one of those shrill "CORPORATIONS ARE EVIL!!!11" sorts of people, but something somewhere needs to change.

Of course, maybe one day, corporations might figure out that drawing attention to themselves in these sorts of situations might not be the brightest move. Turning what was a crappy little geocities website into (inter)national news doesn't do much for the reputation they were trying to protect.


he-man's fabulous

He really is.




attack of the clones

[attack of the clones]

I came into work this morning to find yodas—lots of them—lining my cube.

A friend at work made them for me. They're Play-Doh. He said he had the mold lying around and he was bored, so he decided to see if he could make them. So he did. They're even cooler in person.

I ended up disseminating most of them to the rest of the team. I just hope they don't decide they're candy and try to eat them.


saint seiya!

Somehow, an otaku made it onto the French Idol show.


darth vader on a motorcycle

I saw today's Shortpacked and had to see for myself if he was making it up. He wasn't.


ooh, socks


bee dogs

" is the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes."

Does this top Cats in Sinks? Yes. I think it does.

Thanks, QYV.



It's the feel-good hit of the season.

1 comment

there's no retard in team

Man, these never get old.


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