archived stuffOlder links and things are collected here. midget shortageYes! My first greenlit Fark headline since 2002! I'm very proud of the headline. :D mac miniCheck it out. A Mac normal people can actually buy. It's only a little beefier than my iBook and you need to provide your own keyboard and mouse. Still, this would make a perfect Internet station for most people. I'm kind of tempted, but I already have too many computers as it is... copper: maiden voyageI like Copper a lot. It's all dreamy and whimsical, but also kind of sad sometimes. This is the first long-form Copper story printed in Flight. Which reminds me.. I should really pick that up. a scanner darklyThis looks pretty cool. Waking Life was good, if a little pointless. I'd really like to see what this guy can do with something that has a plot... blackberry braintrustWired on the Perimiter Institute. yay! xio's famous...xiola's wicked-awesome katamari hat has made it out into the geek blog gestalt. Hope that means big money for her auction... year-end snarkJohn pointed out Websnark, a wonderfully thoughtful critique of webcomics. Not reviews. Criticism. Here, he hands out tasty, tasty shortbread to webcomics who've done deserving things over the last year. I pretty much agree with him on everything he has to say about the comics I read regularly... Something Positive, Sinfest, Checkerboard Nightmare, Queen of Wands, Penny Arcade... In many cases (QoW in particular), he's got me thinking about them in different ways, which is good. Makes me wonder about the strips I don't read. If you're interested in webcomics at all, give the list a quick scan. There's some good stuff in there. joel's advice for college studentsI kind of stumbled through most of this stuff... I learned C on the job (helped a long by a little in-school C++ experience)... I blew stuff off... I had to avoid programming-intensive upper year courses in order to safely graduate. Taking Econ, though, was probably the most useful thing I did in school, and UW's co-op program is the reason I am where I am today. gotta get my stuff doneYeah, I've had days like this... :P backBack in Waterloo if anybody needs me. I'll udpate with holiday summaries in the next day or two. Right now... sleep... | |