archived stuff

Older links and things are collected here.

trillian 3.0

Trillian 3.0 came out a few weeks ago. The best thing about it is that the free Basic version has been moved to the newer Trillian Pro codebase. Which means it's lots better. If you use IM at all (especially if you use multiple protocols), you should give it a try.


kids review classic games

This is cute...
Parker: You wasted quarters on this?
EGM: Yeah.
Parker: That's so sad.


merry christmas, everybody

All the best, wherever you are. I hope Santa is good to you, too. ^_^


year of the rat

Lovely little music video, this. A guy from work sent this to me.


wonderful 30 seconds

It's A Wonderful Life in 30 seconds (and re-enacted by bunnies). These are great, but I think this one's my new favourite.


soldering in space

Ooh. That's kinda cool.


i love this...


drug store codes

I worked for a couple years as a stock boy for the venerable old independant drug store my parents worked at. They used a simple substitution cypher similar to these. The phrase in their case was "GOITMYLADS", which I always thought was nicely quaint. And yes, $8.00 wholesale prices came up every so often.


Hm... You know what the world needs? A command line remote access interface for Azureus. I think I might have found myself a project for while I'm home for the holidays...


doesn't baby jesus look adorable?

And tasty?


older stuff
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