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ooh, viruses

This is interesting. Well not really. It's a proof of concept that viruses can be transported through data files like JPEGs. It's interesting in the sense that I had this idea in highschool (except with GIF files...). Of course, you need an executable to do extract and run the code stored in a data file, so there's no reason to panic quite yet... Personally, I dismissed the approach these guys took as cheating.

Today would be a good day to hide from the world. I'm feeling... drained.

Yeah, er, "Zelda"... you'll get an email. Maybe even tonight. Hm... Sorry. I think it's been about a year since I've sent out a purely "Hey, how's it going?" email message. Really, you shoud set up an online journal thingy I can read from work every morning, posting witty quips when I'm feeling really inspired. Or let me know if you're on ICQ/AIM/MSN/Yahoo!... (I'll put my IDs/handles/whatever in that aforementioned message). I've been moderately more successful at keeping in touch with people that way...

Yeah. Sorry. ^^;


tinkerer writes:

Sometimes, as I sit by my keyboard perusing articles like the one you linked to, I suddenly begin to feel a bit lightheaded. Viral infections and cures and AutoImmune technology? Er, we're talking computers here, aren't we? Chunks of plastic strewn with wires and chips of silicon? A machine that hums softly until the electricity surges and then beeps in protest? Hm. It is so very easy to take for granted, the things that are now so common to our world, so artificial in a living sense--yet so vital to what we think we are now. And to think, when I was growing up, I thought a Barbie Townhouse was the ultimate toy...

Submitted 2002-06-18 23:25:43

flying squirrel writes:

Maybe I should just post more links and my reaction to them. That way, I don't have to IM people about them who don't care. :P

Don't worry, Tink. Computer geeks love nothing better than a good analogy. They'll string that analogy along beyond all credibility. I mean, computers are all about analogies. Usually bad ones. Like, how the heck do you have windows on your desktop? I suppose if you've already put wallpaper on your desktop, it might work out.

No email for "Zelda" yet. Hm... Tonight...

Submitted 2002-06-19 11:37:35

tinkerer writes:

Who says a window has to be looking outward? You could have a desktop with a glass inlay, and that would be a pretty nifty window, especially if you like to keep track of the dustbunnies on your floor-- the kind that might rabidly attack your feet if you forgot to wear your shoes that day and tickle you senseless. Although, why anyone would want to paste wallpaper to a perfectly good piece of glass, I dunno. To keep those same dustbunnies from spying on them, or looking up their nose from several feet away? Or, perhaps, because the lure of the dustbunny dance is less enticing than the ability to remain ignorant of how many fearsome (and undoubtedly poisonous) spiders are on the floor lurking just around the corner from your toes? I guess that would be a reason to block out the view. Knowing what is truly under one's desk requires more courage than the average geek! But, if that's the case, why not just have a solid wood desk and forget the glass to begin with? Duh...

Submitted 2002-06-19 21:46:33

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