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artsy geek


I promise: no pages and pages of pointless online test results. I just needed an excuse to get started with a new entry. It's been a while.

I'm still thinking about writing a murder mystery. In the write-what-you-know vein, I figured it might be fun to set it in an anime convention. Not that I've been to many, mind... Still, this seems even more appropriate now, as I just went to one last weekend, and parts of it did, indeed, make me want to kill somebody. So that project's off to a promising start.

Should I do an elaborate Anime North 2002 con report? Nah, I'd rather not. I met up with some people. And that was great. I saw a couple things that were cool, but probably not enough to justify the admission price. I got frustrated with dumbness. Then I went home.

As an update, yes, my sister is living with me now. No comment on how that's going (okay: not bad, but not tremendously good, either). Oh! Tink! Yes, car is handy. Part of it does mean, admittedly, that I get to pick up my sister some evenings. This wasn't part of the original plan. But whatever. I'm not getting up at 6 to drive her into work. That would be wrong.

Having a car is nice. I haven't done much exploring lately, though. It lets me drive laundry home occasionally where I can wash it for free. And it lets me sleep in past 9 and still get into work around 10. I really have to stop that. I get to chauffeur deprived university student friends, which I don't mind. It makes me feel needed.

I've been feeling rather... I don't know... insecure lately. I don't think there's really a reason for this. Maybe my unexpectedly shrunken sanctuary. Maybe anime club stuff. Maybe... I don't know. Weird dreams, a general sense of unease, a kind of latent, low-level stress... all of which makes me less up to deal with the regular, everyday stuff that goes on in my life. Worse, it makes me feel less up to finding less regular, everyday stuff to do to make life more interesting. Blah.

No progress at all in the house-finding department. I'm sleeping better and not as sick, so it doesn't seem as urgent. It's still in the back of the mind somewhere, though.

Well, this was a pretty pointless entry. I knew it would be. But hey, this is a blog. (he finally admits to himself). Pointless entries are the whole point!


tinkerer writes:

ROTFL! Oh, my, *yes*! Squirrel, if they ever made stupidity a crime eligible for the death penalty, the population would drop so significantly it would make the Black Death pale in comparison! *snigger* Oh, and just think of your sister's "visit" as the bad and/or annoying part of being married (in other words, all the headaches and considerations of partnership without any of the fun benefits). One should always welcome an opportunity to check one's ability to handle a situation in advance, should the opportunity arise. So if you make it thru the summer without killing either her or yourself or at the very least screaming "I don't ever want to see you AGAIN!!!", you'll know you can be a husband someday. ;> p.s. if you're feeling insecure, maybe things are simply going too well for you these days. I find that unless there is an identifiable crisis somewhere in my life, I get very nervous indeed. Must be my optimistic tendencies...

Submitted 2002-06-02 23:39:56

flying squirrel writes:

More like being parent to a teenager, I figure. She doesn't really seem to be too interested in making the whole househood thing work at all, and she expects me to clean up after her, attending to her whims.

Not that she's really demanding it. There's the implied expectation there. And she won't be doing anything to make my life easier, of course.

*sigh*. I *am* falling into a rut again... I'm more inclined to just cope with the next couple months rather than actually do anything about it, though. Maybe after this is over...

Submitted 2002-06-09 20:55:32

Liz <riizu@hotmail.com> writes:

aww [squirrel], you're loved *hugs* You need to come hang out with us more often! ^^ I hope things go okay with your sister.. you've been looking a little out of it lately ^^;; *hugs* I'll probably see you tonight ^^ la la la.. (tonight = friday)

Submitted 2002-06-14 21:21:36

Zelda <dw861@ncf.ca> writes:

Dude--you owe me an email! Not to worry though, as I am very patient person.

Submitted 2002-06-16 10:51:16

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