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For something like two weeks, I've been going "Hey, we should do Chinese buffet!" A small group of people at work go out for lunch occasionally, you see. Last week we did the Indian buffet at Classic Indian up Northfield way.

It's not a regular thing, unfortunately. Every outing requires planning and organization. I'd probably prefer to pick a day and go out every couple weeks, say. I figure this would make things easier and more casual. Not so much negotiating. And it would give me something to look forward to.

After much consultation and debate we decided that today, Friday, would be a good day for Crappy Chinese Buffet. You know, with chicken balls and chop suey and things. Then this morning one guy mysteriously takes off for an early lunch (!). Something about errands or something. And since he's kind of the lynch pin of the whole thing, everybody else decides to go to Quizno's or whatever. I don't really like Quizno's. Not that I was invited, come to think of it.

So I'm a bit depressed right now. I'll probably skip lunch and stay in. This week's been pretty much a write-off, so I figure I'll just the half-hour as an excuse to leave early.


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