march of the sinister ducks
Oh, god, my eyes are itching like crazy. I think it's time to go back on some sort of allergy medication. I stopped taking it because it was expensive and didn't seem to do much. It's times like these, though, where it really seems worthwhile.
It's Neil Gaiman's fault I'm listening to March of the Sinister Ducks ("They smirk at your hairstyle and sleep with your wife"). Which is by Alan Moore, oddly. You can download it yourself here. Très bizarre.
Nuts. I couldn't get away for the Robert J. Sawyer talk. Ah well. I didn't find the book I was looking for at the UW bookstore, either.
I'm taking my first timid steps into Visual C++ COM ATL crap. I'm not even sure what that means. I have to say that it's all really, really awful. I don't know how people work in this crap. I don't even know where to start. I should probably take a class or something. But honstly, how can Microsoft justify "simple" Hello World sample apps that are over 5000 lines of code? Honestly, how useful is that? *sigh*. This isn't going to be fun. For the time being I might be able to get away with C#, but I have to figure this stuff out at some point...
I think I need a vacation. I know I just had one, but I think I need another one.
Must be the week for computers, then. Our library system just went "live" today with new software, a nightmare project we have been working on for 8 months now and has finally mutated into the monster it is. Not a productive day for me--I was constantly interrupted by the many e-tards I work with who couldn't even figure out the basic shortcuts and options, and then when *I* had questions I thought ought to be addressed due to possible negative impacts in how we were using certain features, I discovered that not only did no one know the answers, but they didn't even understand what I was asking. Bah... Hard won experience tells me that when the big boss figures it out someday, I'll get to waste yet more effort in "special cleanup" projects to correct all these nagging little things we're currently doing wrong out of ignorance (and stupidity).
On the bright side, I got to say "I told you so" and "didn't I point that out several days/weeks/months ago?" a lot today...
Submitted 2004-01-20 20:49:57
My sympathies on all accounts.
For some light ATL/COM reading (MFC too if you like), might I suggest...
(They've got some good stuff... and some crap... take your pick! :-) )
There's always MSDN, but I haven't had a look at any of their stuff in that neck of the woods.
Anyhow, hear about that new GameBoy "thing" that Nintendo plan to release?
I was comforted when the Penny Arcade response was ... 2 CPUs, 2 LCDS... huh? (Kinda what I was thinking.)
Nintendo's official claim seems to be that the two screens will allow different views of the same game or a game screen and a map screen (at the same time).
Funny, I'd always just figured you'd just use a bigger screen...
(The dual CPU might make for some interesting gameplay... it should be smoother anyhow, you'd think...)
Submitted 2004-01-21 13:47:25
flying squirrel
I might be able to get further along with C# than I'd thought previously. I hope I can stick with it. The (MSDN) sample ATL/COM code just makes no sense.
I also like that I can use a form designer. :P
I'm interested, tho I'm occasionally worried Nintendo might be going crazy (it occasionally goes crazy (remember R.O.B.?), so this might not be a big deal...). It will be a while before the two most important questions for any game thingy will be answered: "How much?" and "Are there any good games for it?" Until there are answers to those, my response is basically, "Hey, neat, good luck with that."
Submitted 2004-01-22 07:05:30
Yeah, I suppose there is Interop and unmanaged code... they should get you a fair way (depending on what you're aiming to do).
I do remember R.O.B now that you mention it. It was kinda cool (not that I crossed paths with it... though you had one didn't you?)
Despite their age, as long as there's a Mario game, a Zelda game, and preferrably lots of Square/Enix titles, it should do just fine. :-)
Submitted 2004-01-22 11:56:53
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