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slow day

Well, happy new year, everybody.

I'm back at work today. There are only a few people here, which is kind of nice. I'd get lots of work done if I had lots of work to do. I don't, really. Actually, that's a lie. I don't have any work to do that I really want to work on. I could do a bunch of things.

Kyle's party was lots of fun. Thanks for having us all over.

I also had a very nice time at home. It was good seeing Matt again, and I got to watch lots of TechTV, which is now probably my favourite channel, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that I don't get it myself. I also had a lot of one-on-one time with my iBook. I hardly used my parents' PC at all. This made me happy. I love my little iBook.

I apologize for the excessive geekiness of the preceding paragraph. I'll change topics.

2004. Along with being a new year, it is also the year of my Saturn Return. Which means, karmically speaking, I can either get off my ass or wait for it to get kicked. And nobody wants their karmic ass kicked. To that end, here are two things that I have been putting off for way too long that I will definitely do this year:

  1. buy a house.
  2. find a girlfriend (or at least go out on a date of some sort)

I'm considerably more optimistic about one than the other. I'll leave y'all to guess which.


matt writes:


Happy New Year to you too!

We still don't have pictures of the iBook, desktop screenshots, pictures of the iBook schmoozing with famous people...

Good to see that you've got some goals for the year (stopped short of a resolution declaration I take it?).

I think both are doable, and probably not as hard as they first appear.

(True, I can't speak much to #1, since we're still moving towards that; however, #2 came when I was open to it and even keeled (it was when I was frantic that I invited disaster...)) I mean, it really only took twice to get it right... sometimes it pays to be picky. :-)

Best of luck! Keep us posted!

Submitted 2004-01-02 16:10:34

flying squirrel writes:

The even-keeled thing is part of the problem. I'm not right now. But I can sit around forever wondering if I'm perfect enough for somebody to like me. It's not terribly productive.

I don't think I'm really capable of frantic, but it's pretty obvious the laid-back approach I've really been hoping would work up till this point simply doesn't.

Submitted 2004-01-02 18:30:14

tinkerer writes:

Yeah, Squirrel, what kind of *true* geek would forget to post pictures of his latest light o' love? Ha. Meanwhile, I'm feeling a bit of geek-type triumph--my daughter got both a dvd player and a gamecube for Christmas, and I've now managed (with my 1995 21" Panasonic tv) to get everything hooked up and working nicely with just a few buttons to push. This makes a conglomeration of cable tv, a vcr, a dvd player, a karaoke machine (which also is cabled to double as an additional speaker for the tv at the flip of a switch), a playstation1, a gamecube (with the gameboy player attachment, naturally), an SNES *and* an NES (so we can play Duck Hunt, which is so humble a game it is still really fun). Twenty years of assorted entertainment technology, all fully functional and displayed in our living room. Man, do I feel old when I realize that when I was her age, all we had was a large console tv with rabbit ears and local broadcasts, and computers only computed data with the aid of punchcards...
p.s. I'd go for buying the house first, if I were you. Then you have a place to park the girlfriend when you get one. :P

Submitted 2004-01-02 21:27:29

flying squirrel writes:

Woo for GameCube! Get Zelda. Zelda is awesome.

I think I have room for one in the hall closet in the apartment. Albeit temporarily.

You'll notice I was careful enough to use "find" instead of "get" or "acquire" or some other possessive verb. You can thank Sheri S. Tepper's (rather awful) A Gate to Women's Country for that. One reason (of the many) I don't like to talk about this sort of thing is that it's walking into a feminist mine-field. I can't really think of a better Right Think alternative, though. "Make the acquaintance of"?

Submitted 2004-01-03 08:06:05

tinkerer writes:

Zelda? The gamecube came bundled with a special collector's edition of that. Actually, what is being played the most is Tony Hawk ProSkater 3, NHL 2003 and PacMan vs. (the kid loves this game, oddly enough) and, by my roommate (who is the one who bought it for my daughter yet is logging more hours on it than anyone--golly, was this a gift untainted by self-interest? lol!) Spyro. I haven't played it at all yet, although I was thinking maybe if we get Star Wars I might trying shooting at things. Or maybe I'll finally finish Pokemon Crystal by using the gameboy player attachment.

As for "finding" a girlfriend, that's easy. But just because you find one doesn't mean you've *got* one. lol! So PC, Squirrel, I think that might be as scary as feminism! Dig deep, I'm sure there is an alpha boy in you somewhere ;> After all, isn't that who wins the girl in all the romances? (my bad, I know. And you're quite lovable just the way you are, dear.) But, you might want to stock that closet with chocolate and maybe a few roses, just in case...

Submitted 2004-01-03 20:42:30

flying squirrel writes:

Maybe I should work on being more sexually aggressive. Like ending sentences with a pelvic thrust and a loud "Unf!" Like "Hey, baby, wanna come back to my place? Unf!"

Could work...

Submitted 2004-01-05 07:00:13

1 writes:

I thought that watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy last night would be the most hilarious thing of the new year (clueless people shouldn't attempt bartending) but the Unf! comment may be the funniest thing of the decade, it's going to be hard to top. My lungs now hurt from a quality laugh, thanks.

Belated Holiday Wishes and all that jazz.

As for the pseudo-resolutions, I still say that a condo is the way to go especially since by the time you get a house the way you want it, and if the girlfriend thing works out, you'll just have to sell and move to a different place, plus the more room you have, the more junk you collect (I shudder to think of all the things that you would be able to collect if you had a house).

Oh, and your sense of humor is a great asset in looking for a girlfriend so don't forget about it or be too shy with it.

Submitted 2004-01-05 23:57:57

flying squirrel writes:

That's *why* I want a house! I'm rapidly running out of room in the apartment... >_>

Submitted 2004-01-07 09:46:25

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