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Wondering if I am lost now
But finding my way back home and
Wondering if love is with me
And guiding my destiny

I've been rearranging things around the apartment the last couple weeks. Last weekend I traded bedrooms. I haven't slept in the larger bedroom for over a year. There was a large hole in the wall in the closet to allow access to the taps to shut off water to the tub. Unfortunately, there was this funky smell coming up from between the walls which made me feel like crap when I got up in the morning. I've now sealed up the hole with a laminated shelf and some sealing tape, and I haven't had any noticeable problems sleeping in the bigger room. Yet. Knock wood.

I'm enjoying the extra space. It's good to change things around every once in a while.

I have enough room for an extra bookshelf now, but I'm a bit annoyed I can't find one that matches. How can Stak-A-Shelf be out of bookshelves? I might have to break down and start buying non-crappy bookshelves, even if they don't match with the crappy ones I already have.

I haven't been at my best the last few weeks. Partly due to work, although I got my evaluation and my bonus from last quarter, and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm still a bit worried about this quarter, but that news gave me a nice, "I'm not totally worthless" feeling. So that's good.

The Haibane Renmei soundtrack, by the way, is pretty wonderful.


Dan writes:

Hey Squirrel! Since you mentioned anime soundtracks, might I humbly recommend the Last Exile OST? It's very nice... it's sorta like a more revved-up Skies of Arcadia, if ya know what I mean. : D

Submitted 2003-09-15 05:36:18

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