I’m in Belleville for Thanksgiving. I think I’m just going to take the time to relax. I’ve got a presentation at work as soon as I get back. I don’t want to think about that. I don’t really want to think about the election either. Or anything else. I just need a break.
I do want to track down Matt and take him out for sushi at some point. Even if it’s Belleville sushi…
Ellen and I went to see [Caesar and Cleopatra](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_and_Cleopatra_(play\)) at Stratford on Wednesday. It was… strange. Christopher Plummer was pretty great as Caesar. Seeing attractive young women on stage in minimal or minimally opaque clothing is always a plus. The story was compelling, even if the historical accuracy was a bit questionable. I had an emotional reaction to the play that took me by surprise, and outweighed any intellectual response. Even though it’s not technically a tragedy, it *feels* tragic. I suppose it is meant to be a prequel of sorts to [Antony and Cleopatra](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_and_Cleopatra). Not that I’ve actually seen that.
We’ve missed a bunch on Stratford plays we wanted to see. Ellen hasn’t been up for it much and I’ve been kinda busy with work and stuff. We’re planning on seeing [Emilia Galotti](http://www.stratfordfestival.ca/plays/galotti.cfm) in November, but I think that’s it for the season. We saw [All’s Well that Ends Well](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All%27s_Well_That_Ends_Well), which I liked. But we missed Hamlet and Trojan Women and [Fuente Ovejuna](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuente_Ovejuna).