archived stuff

Older links and things are collected here.

dschingis khan

As explained on Boing Boing, these fine folks took 4th place in the 1979 Eurovision Song Contest. Well-deserved, too, I must say.


hawt lesbian pocky ad

Pocky are very exciting,
Decorated Pocky tastes especially like cake.
It tastes very good. That’s how it tastes.
Decorated Pocky, Decorated Pocky,
Let me tell you, it tastes like strawberry.
Decorated Pocky tastes especially like cake.
It tastes very good, it tastes very good.
Decorated Pocky, Decorated Pocky

Swiped from this blog via Boing Boing.


rim settles patent lawsuit

I have mixed feeling about this. RIM does have its share of idiotic patents, so in a way this is just desserts, but I don't like it when the people who make nothing win against people who make something. Patent laws need to be fixed.


red dwarf seasons 5 & 6

Ooh. Out now, apparently. (Not that I, er, have say down to watch the first four seasons yet. I'm pretty sure there's stuff in Season 6 I haven't seen before, though...)

1 comment

restaurants in kw

UW Professor Prabhakar Ragde's guide to dining in the area. I was mentioning this to QYV last night...


Like many people, I am disturbed by the negative portrayal of mummies in popular culture, especially when those portrayals are directed towards children.

Thankfully, the good people at Summum MummificationSM are working to correct this tremendous injustice. No longer do kids need to fear mummies as a terrifying, lurching menace. Instead, they will learn to love them, just like they'll love Mummy Bear, the small and fluffy bear mummy from ancient Atlantis (you know, from before the asteroid hit).

Now, when mom or dad or rover or fluffy pass on, they can go and give their mummy a hug.


another stupidly awesome flash game

Thanks QYV. :D


arthur c clarke "invented" the ipod

in the short story "The Seeker of the Sphinx" (1951) apparently.

'You see,' she said proudly, 'wherever I go now I can have music with me. Jon says there are so many thousands of hours of it stored up that I'll never know when it repeats itself. Isn't it clever?'

'Perhaps it is,' said Brant grudgingly, 'but it isn't exactly new. Everyone used to carry this sort of thing once, until there was no silence anywhere on Earth and they had to be forbidden. Just think of the chaos if we all had them!'

Clarke later commented: "I'm amused to see that I predicted not only the invention of ultra-portable music players, but also the fact that they would quickly become such a public menace they would be banned. The second part of this prophecy, alas, has not yet been fulfilled."


i'd give it all up...



The Oscarâ„¢-nominated NFB animated short, Ryan, is available from the NFB site. If you've seen the documentary, Alter Egos, on CBC (or Newsworld) you know what I'm talking about.

It's streamed and not downloadable, unfortunately, but if you've got the bandwidth, it's well worth watching. I think it's pretty brilliant, anyway.

I think I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out.


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