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/m3 rul3z!!!!1111

Well, I recovered the database, but otherwise, I think the linux machine is a write-off. I'm going to reformat it and start over. I'm still thinking not linux. The 2.4 kernel wasn't liking my 1337 motherboard. I have to figure out what I'm going to do with that thing. If nothing else, I need temporary storage for my OpenBSD switch. I still have to get around to that. They've released a new version while I've been dickering.

I don't really have a whole lot to say, otherwise... The office Christmas party is the same day as the next CTRL-A show, which means I'm probably going to show up for the end of the show in a suit. That should be fun. I'm very excited about this, but I don't expect many others to care much... I'm a little annoyed about this, but I expect the bubble to burst soon... I missed out on seeing Bowling for Columbine. But then I figured it was probably for the best, 'cuz Michael Moore manages to piss me off sometimes... Even though I might agree 100% with his position, he tends to say things or put forward ideas not because they are particularly true, but because they provoke a reaction. That irks me. Whatever works, I guess...

I'll pick up a new PS2 tomorrow, I think. I've been saying that all week.


tinkerer writes:

Did you know that Tom Baker and Lalla Ward were married? Only briefly, tho'. I suspect he was a rotten husband. ... *sigh* ... Squirrel, I think Canada is way to close to the American border. This whole real estate thing smacks of American idiocy. C'mon, can't you guys drum up a little resistance instead of following our examples of extreme capitalistic ruination? My god, next thing you know you'll be suffering from extreme violence too! (Actually, we kill far more people with our driving habits than we do by packing uzis.) I blame it on politicians and cell phones. Do you have any idea what cell phone usage does to brain activity? My latest mantra to help me get thru the days has been "just remember, the average human IQ is only 100". Odd trivia, that. But, makes you wonder, too...if they had tested IQs a hundred years ago, would the result have been lower or *higher* than what we test at now? Hm...

Submitted 2002-11-16 23:42:15

flying squirrel writes:

Yup, I knew that. Neither talks much about it, though. Well, Tom Baker doesn't give many interviews... I'm running on the "lousy husband" theory too.

Tom Baker isn't doing the audio dramas. Apparently there's some willingness on his part, but it "might not be very typical Doctor Who." Redoing Shada almost certainly isn't something he'd be interested in. I don't mind. Paul McGann is fantastic. It should be fun.

Canada would be a lot better off it we hadn't fallen under the spell of American neo-conservative ravings. In the case of housing, I think it's just an illustration of the fact that Canadian interest rates are too low. They can't go up, because US rates are going down, and with our economies so intertwined, a big difference causes problems. Also, Canadians never bought into the irrational exuberance thing, but they sure buy into irrational fear. Hence pouring money into a "safe" investment like real estate.

People are stupid.

Actually, funny you should mention that IQ thing. I was reading this earlier this week:

So the answer is "lower," at least in some ways. I think I'll go play GTA:VC on my new PS2 now. :)

Submitted 2002-11-17 16:33:26

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