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I've been busy

Yes, I've been kind of busy the last few days. This site may disappear for a few hours/days. I'm going to be updating it. I've temporarily moved the database off to my (other) linux machine. So now I've got everything on the server backed up and safe and nothing's going to change there until I've got the upgrade done.

After that, I've got plenty of little changes in mind. Now more than ever, I really want to do a "pointless updates" section off to the side or something. I'm liking this idea.

Besides computer stuff, I've been reading a lot more, too. I read through Promised Land, by Connie Willis and Cynthia Felice, the collaborative team that brought us Light Raid (I never did finish that). This was probably the better book. Still really predictable and fluffy, but that was what I was after. So, in the end, I was happy.

After I finished that, I read through volume 2 of Utena the other night. I love that series. I'm also occasionally skimming a book I found (at the soon-to-be-closed Waterloo Computer Books store) on Generative Programming, which is less fun, but still interesting.

I think so, anyway.


Eric writes:

Is that Computer Books store closing soon? Are they having a sale? Hmmm.... and me on the other side of the country....

Submitted 2002-10-29 15:28:46

flying squirrel writes:

Yup. 30% off, but they close the end of the month. I.e. Thursday. They're pretty picked over. Still lots of tempting O'Reilly stuff, though...

Submitted 2002-10-29 18:22:06

Eric writes:

BAH! Damn, I could use a few good O'Reilly books, too.

Submitted 2002-10-29 18:51:40

flying squirrel writes:

I wouldn't mind having a look for you, if you have any in mind. If I find them, I'll pick 'em up and you can pay me when you get back.

That way I'll get to read them too. ^^

Submitted 2002-10-29 19:08:27

Eric writes:

Yeah, see that's the problem, I don't really have any in mind. Plus, some of the books would be things I'm itching to learn over the next few months. Like, I'd want to get an XML book... but I've started reading stuff on xml.com, which kind of makes that moot. Oh well. Just one more reason to be bitter to be in BC ;)

Submitted 2002-10-29 19:40:28

flying squirrel writes:

I hasten to point out that, over here, it's -3.6 with the windchill out right now...

Submitted 2002-10-29 20:06:01

Eric writes:


Submitted 2002-10-29 21:35:23

tinkerer writes:

Books? Try your local library! Computer books, 004-005 in the non-fiction. We have plenty of XML books at our library, along with everything else to do with those programmable paperweights. (Of course, the head of our collection department is addicted to computers, which may be an influence in his purchasing decisions...) :D And hey--I *like* BC. It's a great place to visit, very calm, clean and scenic--tho' if you insist it's awful to live there, I wouldn't know. *shrug* I should think it was better than, say, Nunavut...or possibly Winnipeg...

Submitted 2002-10-30 01:06:13

flying squirrel writes:

Really? I thought most libraries had given up on collecting computer books. UW's Engineering/Science/Math library is pretty good, but the last time I looked in the public library, the best I could find was a DOS 5 manual, Programming Games in BASIC, and maybe a little something on Lotus 1-2-3.

Submitted 2002-10-30 01:10:13

Azrael 1 writes:

Question 1: To do a "pointless updates" section, wouldn't you need to show there is an actual point to the universe?

Question 2: Did the computer book store sell much else other than computer books? That has to be one of the worse business models I can think of, without getting to silly.

Question 5 (NO! Three!): Can I borrow your Playstation 2? I really don't want to wait until they release Vice City for the PC.

Question 4: Do you think they'll let us play a character that wears a pink T-shirt, white blazer, boat shoes, and with a scruffy face? I did see a Corvette looking car in the screen shots, along with a motorcycle, and a frickin chainsaw. I don't know if I could ask for more, Hawaiin shirts and chainsaws. I may have to go hang out at Best Buy for days upon days.

Question 5 (no, really): I just gotta ask, did you change the clock back on the posting site?

Submitted 2002-10-30 01:41:23

flying squirrel writes:

1) No. That would be pointless. :)

2) Not much, no. Around here, it does make a bit of sense. They were doing pretty well up until Chapters and Amazon sucked away their profitablility.

Kind of sad. But I suppose I didn't help much... I usually just went in to browse.

er.. 3) You can *have* my PS2. It can usually only play games in B&W. This makes me very sad, but I think I might go out and buy a new one this weekend (and save the receipt this time :P ) to play Vice City properly.

I'm planning to donate the old PS2 to some deserving university student in need of a DVD player (for which it is perfectly serviceable). Other offers may be accepted...

4) Not to mention new radio stations, cheesy 80s TV drama style cut scenes, being able to go into buildings, being able to fly helicopters... I really wanna play this game. :)

5) Hm... Apparently not (I thought I did). The old database server had a problem with its clock (the battery, probably), so the timestamp has never meant much around here. And, of course, Linux seems to arbitrarily ignore timezone settings on whim. It should be right now, though.

Submitted 2002-10-30 11:06:32

Azrael 1 writes:

Helicopters too? That's too cool. Its too bad that I have to wait but there are still a few things left for me to find in GTAIII so it will have to keep me busy until Vice City is released for the PC. I should get around to setting up the MP3 radio station but I lost most of my MP3s when I lost my backup hard drive. I should go find some other character skins too.

Only plays games in black and white? That is strange. Did you ever write Sony? You could try to sell it on ebay, I saw a broken one going for just over $100.

On another note. A couple of weeks ago, I downloaded Amaya. Have you ever used it? Back to the point, when I used it to view this page, it freaked out over a few elements in the code and wouldn't display the page very well. The one thing I can remember it didn't like was the */head* tag. I think that it meant that you didn't close the *meta* attribute. Oh, the other thing it didn't like had something to do with the center element.

Not that any of that really matters, the page looks fine in IE. Bwahaha...

Submitted 2002-10-30 22:54:02

flying squirrel writes:

Darn XML. I added the meta description tag when I noticed I was getting lots of hits from people looking for flying squirrels and finding me. I forgot to make it self-closing, is all. I haven't run this thing through a validator in a while. :P

I didn't talk to Sony, but I did take it into a repair place. They said "yeah, it's probably the laser," and said it would be pointlessly expensive to fix... It was past my 90 day warrantee anyway. I could have probably called Sony, yelled and screamed and lied and said I was going to get an XBox, but that seemed like it was more stress and aggrevation than it was worth.

Yeah, I could sell it, but I'm feeling magnanimous. And I distrust eBay... It's a decent DVD player, save the clumsy wired controller. I could probably get some money for it if I asked around...

Submitted 2002-10-31 13:57:06

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