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vacation (I'm back)

Well, tomorrow marks the end of my (roughly) two week vacation. It was nice. I'll give you a quick run down:

I Left work early a couple Tuesdays ago and checked into a motel in Stratford with my parents. Next day we shopped around downtown Stratford (nice shops, but I already knew that) and saw All's Well That Ends Well. That was pretty good. The first act dragged a bit, but that's okay. William Hutt was in it, and tht was cool.

Thursday we packed up and went to see Threepeny Opera (also cool. Kurt Weill rocks... er, rocked... Sheila McCarthy was in it, although this meant more to my mom than it did to me). Then we went to Oakville, visited my sister, bought her a bed and tried and failed to go to a movie. Then my parents and I went back to Belleville. I picked up my Doctor Who Magazines, ran into Robyn and baby Thomas at the Mall, watched lots of Doctor Who and Thunderbirds on BBC Kids, set up a money market fund where I can dump excess savings for a potential down-payment on a house, visited my grandmother, saw Goldmember with my parents (they wanted to see it), caught up with Matt, had a donair (can't get the damn things around here), bought a bike, barbequed ribs almost the way I think they should be done (the gas grill runs a bit too hot), did laundry, caught the train and came back to Waterloo.


I'm especially glad about the bike. I'll tell you more about it when it arrives (and my sister leaves) in a couple weeks.


riizu <riizu@hotmail.com> writes:

woooo! Hi [squirrel]! *waves* I'm glad you're back ^_^ we missed you.. well.. I missed you.. and I'm sure other people missed you.. you sound like you had a nice vacation.

Too bad the summer's almost over... I'm gonna miss people.. we can still talk lots on AIM and all that.. hm.. you'll have to tell me about your new bike ^_^ I have an old crappy one that breaks everytime I go near it ^^;;;;

Have a shiny day! *hugs*

Submitted 2002-08-06 00:49:34
Aw, I'll miss you too, Liz. I'll have to have you guys over when I finally get my place back. And camping will be fun. ^^

Bug (not edible) <ak_bug@hotmail.com> writes:

Your a funny thing, Squirrel. Another funny thing, (coincidence? perhaps, something to mull over and occupy my otherwise stagnant brain for a while), I just got a call and might be getting a flying squirrel soon, so I put the search enginge to use and found your site. Not what I was looking for, but the page that opened up caught my attention (must have been the Anime, I'm a sucker for that, nice pic choice, the girl in the tree with the flying squirrel, about to be me pretty soon...hopefully). Righteo, anyway, the next page I went to on the site, despite your warnings of the intense boredom, was the Keirsey Temperament thingy....I found I'm an iNFp as well. The funny thing is, I've been wondering about myself lately, doing a lot of soul searching, trying to figure out who I am, and I find something to bring me closer to comprehension from a guy (you are a guy, right?), flying squirrel, my own soon to be flying squirrel (perhaps, mabey it was just offered to give me some answers), and the 2 squirrels lead to 2 iNFp's. By the way, how did you become a flying squirrel, or is that what you really are? ;)
Ok, aside from my inquisitiveness (this is your page after all), does sound like a busy summer! Your parents wanted to see Goldmember? Hmmm, thats kindof amusing. Mine would never see something that..."shwingin"...though I haven't seen it, so I couldn't say how "shwingin" it is. Hehehe, BBC Kids huh? Hmmm, whatever floats your boat, can't say I'm not guilty of it either though. Hmmm, lots of other stuff, but it's getting late here in the last frontier, so have fun, live long, prosper and don't fall in.

Submitted 2002-08-07 23:18:50

flying squirrel writes:

Thanks, Bug. A flying squirrel would make a neat pet. And I'm glad if my meandering ramblings on self-analysis have helped at all. I had to go through that soul-searching stuff a few years ago. (Personally, I think astrology's more interesting than that Myers-Briggs/Keirsey stuff... but then I would...).

Since you asked... I chose the handle "flying squirrel" years and years ago when a friend (Yvon--he's been around here) wanted to set up this 1337 BBS on his Apple ][ or something and said I couldn't go by my real name. It was the first thing that came into my head. No idea why. But thinking about it later, I like squirrels... They're cute and fun. And *flying* is all cool and dynamic and stuff. And, as handles go, it's slightly self-depricating and not really pretentious. And that's always good. However, to paraphrase:

I am not A flying squirrel. I am THE flying squirrel. The definite article, you might say.

*Ahem*. ^_^;

Submitted 2002-08-11 14:13:37

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