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belated merry christmas

Ah, Christmas is fun. But I take this opportunity to be thankful, as much as I love them and everything, that I'm not around my family all the time.

First off, my family is great. When given the opportunity to compare the lot I drew with that of friends and other acquaintances, it never ceases to amaze me how good I've had it. We actually have fun. Yeah, there's the occasional fight (with my sisters, mostly), but this mostly comes out of the natural abrasion brought on by living in close quarters. And that's mostly healthy.

But there's one thing I notice when I come back here, and that's how darned stressed out my family can get. Mostly my mom, who spreads it to everybody else. My dad's almost as unflappable as I am, but he can get scarily intense sometimes. More and more when I come home, I just have to keep silently asking "Why are you taking this all so seriously? Relax!"

I haven't been able to get ahold of anybody, as per usual. I should try harder, but it would be nice if somebody tried to get ahold of me.

I'll be back in Waterloo on Sunday in time for an interesting-looking New Year's party. I haven't done one of those in a while... :)


tinkerer writes:

Harvest Moon is sounding better and better, now that I've spent a few hours on Tony Hawk 2! Only thing is, I normally have little time for games (although I can take Pokemon via Gameboy to work for during lunch hour), plus just getting the child to give me a turn? Ha! So, I ought to stick to games that can be picked up & dropped after just a few minutes. Isn't Harvest Moon a RPG? *Sigh* I'm beginning to HATE Tony and his stupid, unobtainable "goals". Time to see if there's any good cheats/tips for this game...

Submitted 2002-01-01 19:14:32

flying squirrel writes:

Hm. Harvest Moon might not be the best choice then... That thing *eats* time. :) (It's not really an RPG, even though that's what the box says...).

Hm... They just did a bargain release of Driver 2, which is fun for its carjack-and-outrun-police subgame... :)

Submitted 2002-01-02 21:23:39

tinkerer writes:

Driver 2? Would that be suitable for a 7 year old? (Like Tony Hawk is, with the skaters spewing blood everytime they miss a landing--ugh! lol!) Actually, I *did* find some good cheats, pumped my skater's stats to the max, and have finally figured out how to make & land some jumps. The small child is very upset with mom, as tonite I used up all the high score spots and she can't reach 'em. ;> She has now migrated to Spyro, which is cute but would probably drive me nuts with the weird camera angle it uses. Of course, the only reason I got any play time at all tonite is because she is hell-bent on finishing reading "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" so that she can beat me at the H.P. trivia game she got for Christmas. Seems many of the questions can't be answered just by watching the movie (aw, shucks!), and she *hates* losing!

Submitted 2002-01-03 01:31:38

flying squirrel writes:

I don't think there's any blood or shooting. You can't run over pedestrians or anything. Not like Grand Theft Auto III for the PS2. I found this wholly disappointing. :) The actual missions might be inappropriate (I never tried :), but the two player demolition derby is fine, and driving around avoiding police? Well, you've got to learn somewhere, right? ^^;

More suitable for the shorter set might be Rayman, a good old-fashioned (if a bit frustrating) 2D platform game. Ah, I love those. :)

Submitted 2002-01-03 06:44:06

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