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I want a good comic book movie

I went to see Ghost World the other night. I'm still not entirely sure what I think of it, yet. Beforehand, I'd been comparing it to Daria—that loveable, vitriolic teen for our ages. The similarities are pretty superficial, though. Sure, both Enid and Daria hate the phoniness of everybody around them and take delight in showing it with stunts and nasty put-downs. The difference for Daria is that nothing she does or says, except to a few people, has any consequences. Nobody cares. So Daria has a fun air of fantasy about it. Ghost World... doesn't.

Also, despite what they say, Ghost World isn't a comedy. Not that I could tell, anyway. Nunchukus not withstanding.

All that doesn't mean I didn't like it. And, to an extent, I found myself seriously relating to the characters. But I didn't have the emotional attachment to them that I thought I might. I'd sorely love to find Enid, take her aside and show her the error of her ways. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the movie. No one really helps her, and she can't really help herself. She's in control of the situation, but she doesn't know what to do with it. Seymour's a bit of a sad case, and while I could, under dire circumstances, see myself being him in 15 years or so, 15 years is still a long way off. When I identify with characters, I find I'm not quite as sympathetic to them. If anything, I'd smack him upside the head for being clueless.

So in the end, the movie was disheartening without being particularly moving. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to like it more than I did.

Gran Tourismo III is coming along nicely. I whisked through the Type-R battles with my Integra. Right now, I'm trying to get through the Audi TT series. Unfortunately, the Audi TT really bites. My Impreza always kicks its butt during the 4WD races. It seems a waste to dump money into a crappy car.


tinkerer writes:

woo hoo, Squirrel! I honestly didn't think it would happen, but hey--the PS1 is ours! My sister mailed it out today. I think I'll go buy the Harry Potter game. :P

Submitted 2001-12-17 23:43:43

flying squirrel writes:

Congrats, Tink. You can get Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, too! ^^v Or not... ^^;;

Submitted 2001-12-27 23:21:52

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