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cheap gaming references

Yes, this page may shortly degenerate into a series of cheap video game references. That's because I bought a PS2 yesterday.

Like an idiot, I stayed up all night playing Gran Tourismo 3. As a result, I'm not all here right now. I'm hoping nobody shows up at my cubicle expecting me to do something. That would be more than I could handle. I'm (barely) staying awake by typing this nonsense and listening to CBC radio online. Usually, listening to CBC at work means I don't get any work done. Today, however, I don't think I'm going to get any work done anyway. At least this way, I stay awake (should anyone visit) and encouraging typing noises are coming from my cube.

I also bought Harvest Moon: Save the Homelands yesterday. Shamefully, I didn't stay up all night playing that. Probably because there might be a little more thought involved than driving my Trueno in circles for hours. Not much, but a little.


Dan writes:

Oh, you Spoony Bard,
Someone Set up you the Bomb:
Welcome to your Doom!

Halt! Stop! Mein Leiben!
Games will drain your life away...
Buy a Dreamcast too! :D

Submitted 2001-11-27 13:54:28

flying squirrel writes:

I've been thinking of picking up a Dreamcast (I mean, at $100, why not?) but they don't have any games I just have to have. Except maybe Soul Calibur, but I can wait for 2 (unless that comes out on the X-box, which I'm not getting on principle). If I got a DC at Future Shop, though, I could get a free keyboard, so I can be cool like these guys:

Submitted 2001-11-27 15:20:34

Mor <ghostshell@scifianime.com> writes:

My guys told me that Kengo (sp?) was a great game for PSII-- I could tell by the way they would slowly drift off when we'd talk over the phone. -_-... but still, they were amazed by it. (and hey, it has swords!) You apparently start off as a student and need to practice your skills until you challenge your sempai or sensei. ^_^ They rented it religiously last winter.

Submitted 2001-11-27 19:07:19

tinkerer writes:

Ah--the *really* high tech stuff. *Sigh* We settled for the Gameboy Advance (shhh, don't tell, it's for the small child for X-mas). Coulda had a Dreamcast for half the price ($50 U.S.), but the Advance can travel more easily, which is an important thing in our household, plus play all our GBcolor games too. Her best friend is getting one also, and we bought them the MarioKart(s) to go with so they can challenge each other (off ice, as they already do on ice!) Maybe if I weren't spending $1000+ a year on hockey, we'd have that PS2...I'll remember to ask you for recommendations if the day comes. I'll want full reviews, too, please. lol! Although, my sister did mention that they have a PS1 that was gathering dust now that they've gone PS2--I told her we'd gladly take it! But she says her husband wanted to sell it. Yeah, right, for how much now that the PS2/GameCube/Xbox are all on the market? Silly man, did he think it was an investment? ha! Of course, PlayStation doesn't have Pokemon B/R/Y/G/S/C, a truly sad thing that devalues it even more. ;>

Submitted 2001-11-28 01:48:08

flying squirrel writes:

The GBA is awfully tempting. Especially now with Harvest Moon: GBC3. But it's still a bit more expensive than I think it should be, and, as much as I'd like to play Super Mario Bros 2 again, the games haven't piqued my interest much. Except HM:GBC3, of course, wherein I could build irrigation tunnels. Watering crops with a watering can is dumb.

A PSX probably isn't worth much at this stage. I'm probably going to donate mine to needy high school students. There are a few cool games, though. (Like Harvest Moon: Back to Nature!)

I'll have to rent Kengo ( http://ps2.ign.com/reviews/14839.html )... I own and love Bushido Blade for the PSX--a unique and innovative fighting game if there ever was one. Reviewers who've played BB seem just a bit disappointed... :(

Submitted 2001-11-28 15:03:49

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