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Apologies for the server downtime. It was somewhat unexpected. I did a (supposedly?) routine kernel update last week and when I rebooted, the machine wouldn't come back up again. I don't like that sort of thing very much. I decided to switch distributions again out of spite.

Can't say I'm liking Mandrake very much, though.

Mindy's over for the night. I picked her up from some certification exam she had to write in Toronto, and I'll be taking her to London tomorrow. We stopped at a little mini mall Vietnamese place for lunch, which was nice. She was supposed to visit with a friend this evening, and she did, but that friend had to get home early for something tomorrow and now Mindy's watching Law and Order whilst I reinstall Windows on her laptop.

There hasn't been very much going on lately to write about. I think I'm going to do a little road trip one of these weekends. Alone, if I have to. When I think about it, this has probably been one of my busiest summers on record, but I still feel like I'm not really doing anything. I think the best thing to do is to leverage that restlessness to get myself doing stuff.


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