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yay! easter!

Crap! It's snowing! And I just took the mats out of the car. Here's hoping it all melts by morning.

I can't sleep. So I'll talk about my weekend. Not that doing that will help me get to sleep (it won't), but it seems more useful.

Nice trip home for Easter. I didn't do much, besides laundry and cleaning out the car. I bought Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for the GBA. It's pretty much exactly like the Playstation game (which is what sold me on the series in the first place, so that's not at all bad). I figure it'll be a good thing to have along on my cross-country train trip that's coming up. I also watched a lot of TechTV. I was sad when I learned Leo isn't on anymore. Leo's awesome.

I really like TechTV, and I was thinking, for a while, that I'd get digital cable when I buy my house just for that and Doctor Who on BBC Kids. Now I'm not so sure. Since TechTV has been bought by Comcast, I'm afraid it will start sucking (the Canadian parts of TechTV up here already suck, but these are things we just have to live with). And I'm thinking my infatuation with TechTV is a lot like my infatuation with SPACE when it first came on. When I first got SPACE, I could pretty much sit and watch it all day (of course they had Prisoners of Gravity reruns and Doctor Who three times a day back then). Now I don't watch it at all. I figure TechTV would be the same after a few months. Oh well.

I also got my sister's old desktop computer. She's moving all her stuff back home since she's graduating. She got a laptop for the Christmas before last. I guess the old computer just sat in her room. The desktop was unusuable, apparently, because the harddrive was noisy. Well, and the machine's a good 6 years old, which is ancient for PCs generally. Still, I usually expect students to try to fend off obsolesence a little longer than people with incomes. But whatever. I replaced the harddrive, graphics card and added some RAM with spares I had lying around. I'm going to use it as a Windows terminal server for the iBook so I can run Trillian painlessly. (I went out and bought Virtual PC for the same purpose, but it's pretty slow. It'll still be useful when I'm off the network, though). All this hassle because Mac IM apps suck (Proteus, for example, decided that all my blocked MSN contacts should be added directly to my MSN buddy list. MSN buddy list members get notification when they're added. This is not a good thing).

I skipped church. I meant to go. (Really, I did). But in meaning to go, I neglected to pack anything appropriate to wear. (It's not that people would look down on me or anything; my chuch is pretty open-minded. It's just that I'd feel slovenly and out of place).

A satisfying weekend, overall. I got chocolate. That's reason enough to celebrate right there.


tinkerer writes:

Cross country train trip? Do tell, Squirrel! This sounds likes loads of fun...

Happy Easter, bunny boy :>

Submitted 2004-04-12 21:17:08

flying squirrel writes:

Don't worry, I'm planning on fully documenting the trip as it happens. I haven't talked much about it because I'm afraid it will somehow fall apart and not happen if I do.

A couple friends are graduating and wanted to do a cross-Canada adventure as their post-grad vacation thing. They asked if I wanted to come along and, after making sure I have the vacation time for it, I jumped on it. I've always wanted to do this, and I never had the chance to do a graduation trip.

Submitted 2004-04-13 05:42:33

tinkerer writes:

Oh, how Cool! I'll be up in B.C. a few times myself in the next few months. Jr. is on a Spring hockey team, and we'll play in three tournaments either near Vancouver or in the city itself between April and July. I have been to Victoria, but never Vancouver, so this should be interesting. I've no doubt I'll manage to get quite lost! But I won't be travelling nearly so long as you will--I hope you don't get car sick! I read a book once that was a travel account of a train trip across Canada, and thought that would be neat. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :>

Submitted 2004-04-13 19:29:59

SideKick writes:

I drove across Canada once, and the oddest thing is that it takes 2 freaking days to get out of Ontario!
But the prairies are nice, and not nearly as flat as we're lead to believe.
The Rockies are also cool, but not 1.5 days worth of cool.

Submitted 2004-04-14 05:23:48

flying squirrel writes:

That's why I'm thinking the train is a nice way to do it. I can spend Northern Ontario sleeping. Or reading a book or playing Harvest Moon. Hm... I hope my batteries can hold out.

Submitted 2004-04-14 14:55:28

SideKick writes:

Hey, Leo's back!
The people have spoken!

Submitted 2004-04-21 10:37:52

flying squirrel writes:

Yes! And Wil's guest hosting!

But I'll miss that bit. Anyway, it's cool. Call for Help sucked without him.

Submitted 2004-04-21 11:30:39

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