banner of the stars
For day two of my Crest of the Stars marathon, I finished up Crest of the Stars and watched the first five episodes of Banner of the Stars. I have to say I've fallen in love with the series. Jinto and Lafiel actually talk to one another. And there's banter! They can be serious and sad or witty and funny. She's smart and he can hold his own and they both understand subtext. None of the usual stupid "I want to say something, but I can't! O! Angst!" for 26 episodes. The way those two interact is interesting. More interesting, even, since I think we're missing something in the translation. I know just enough to spot that the way Jinto uses Japanese politeness is kind of cute.
And I'll take back all I've said about fairy princesses.
I was going to suggest that CTRL-A start showing Banner of the Stars II next term, since the first volume comes out in August. Then I noticed that we only got half-way through Banner of the Stars. (My marathon is now two episdes short of catching up with everything shown so far). I think I'm going to suggest we restart that instead.
I went to my first toga party on Saturday and had a great time. I felt kind of bad because a bunch of us went on a bit of a walk for some fresh air which turned into a bunch of us walking someone home which turned into a little visit at this person's place. I think we were gone for almost 2 hours. Even so, we got back with lots of party to spare, even though we missed some people who left early. Or were pretty much passed out on the couch. I got to play piano a bit, too, which is fun. It's too bad I'm pretty much useless in jam sessions. Also too bad most of my repertoire has faded from memory. I should practice more.
I didn't get nearly enough sleep, but made up for that last night, I think. I've got a horribly long week of meetings ahead of me. Good think I've taken Friday off.
Cool Casselman
<> writes:
please refer to comments made on July 13th...something about cons...I wasn't really paying attention cause I'm still trying to find the wedding pics!!
Submitted 2003-07-28 15:19:58
Hey! I didn't know you could play the piano... that's really neat... or really unhappy, if you're one of those unfortunate souls who had their parents force piano lessons on them at an early age and thus driving them only to bitterness and all that unfunkadelic shoo-ta-phu. : (
Anyway, piano, awesome. : ) Booyaka! And I wouldn't mind showing Crest of the Stars again... I mean, we showed Frickin' Ryvius enough times, and CoTS is actually *worth* it.
Do you know if CoTS was based on a novel? I think I heard it was...
Submitted 2003-07-29 02:21:23
flying squirrel
Yup, novels. 6 so far.
Some of them have been translated into Korean, if that's more useful... This has the translated title, if nothing else.
I was never forced to take piano lessens. I took them with my aunt, who was very nice and flexible. Probably too flexible. I never did much theory, just learned to play stuff.
I'm really out of practice, though. And I was never very proficient to begin with. But yeah, I can play a bit.
I play the flute, too. But even more so on the "out of practice" and "never very good" thing. :P
Submitted 2003-07-29 04:14:33
Theory? Music is supposed to have a theory? Hm. Oh, well, then how about this one? Music is just one more way for folks to make noise, sometimes good and fun and sometimes downright annoying, and people who drive down the road blasting music (especially the bass-laden kind) ought to be shot on sight. Does that just about cover it?
Submitted 2003-07-29 12:39:37
flying squirrel
I don't think the Royal Conservatory would approve, but I'll accept that. ^^
Submitted 2003-07-29 12:50:25
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