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Somehow my alarm was off again this morning. Not a big deal. I'm getting back into the swing of things. What's really disturbing is that after noticing that it was 10:15 and my alarm hadn't gone off, I was in the process of rolling over and going back to sleep before I had the sense to kick my ass out of bed and quietly slink into work.

I suppose that what's dampening my enthusiasm is I'm not really doing much at work right now. Mostly getting organized again. That's not my favourite thing, really. That, and the office is quite empty right now. A bit of a murmur over in Support and the constant rattle of the ventilation system. No light-hearted abuse amongst co-workers. No keyboard clicking. Quiet.

I don't think I've actually watched a Quentin Tarantino movie all the way though. I've seen most of Reservoir Dogs. The last hour, say. I came away thinking it was interesting, but it didn't strike me as something overwhealmingly wonderful. I stood in line to see Pulp Fiction at the Princess a couple months after it came out, but was turned away just as I was approaching to ticket counter. Sold out. I never really tried too hard to see it after that.

So it was that I approached the new trailer for his upcoming film Kill Bill with a mild, casual interest. And, to be honest, the novelty of Uma Thurman doing wire-fu almost had me sold. But then I saw... just a glimpse... no it can't be... but it is! That's David Carradine! OMGDFG! David Carridine uttering cheesy Tarrantino dialog! With swords! I have to see this movie!!


matt writes:


Just dropped Bill a line (KlingonPenguin). It's good to see that with everything else that's going on in his life, he's still got his sanity.

On another note, tell Yvon to set up a web page! In fact, "Yvon! Set up a web page!" (There, saved you a few seconds.)

Anyhow, the PHP thing is coming along okay. I've got it talking to MySQL in good ways. Still looking into includes (shouldn't be that hard), and then on to $_SESSION variables.

Oh, and to make some lame attempt to actually relate to the your entry... David Carradine... cool! (Still not a chance I'll see the movie... but hey!)

I'll be in touch (probably when you least expect it...)

Take 'er easy!

Submitted 2003-01-06 20:15:30

SideKick writes:

Yea, if you call that sane ^_^
Squirrel, saw the Fark post, very nice! One day I'll have to lend my talents to a Photoshop thingy....
I thought I had more to say, guess I was wrong.

Submitted 2003-01-06 22:56:09

SideKick writes:

OK, an actualy comment, forget David Carradine, it's got Sonny Chiba!
That reminds me, I might have to go hunting for The Street Fighter tomorrow. I'm fairly sure it's out on DVD.

Submitted 2003-01-07 15:43:54

flying squirrel writes:

Yeah, I noticed him in IMDb after I posted the entry. Cool! I still gotta find the horrible old live-action Golgo 13 someday.

Hi Matt! $_SESSION? Why? (Okay, I had to look it up...). I like to stay away from stateful web pages if I can possibly avoid them. It's just nicer to let people link to things, rather than forcing them to hold onto session IDs.

I've had this argument with the web interface folks at work, so I've gotten a bit militant about it. So I'll stop now. :P

Submitted 2003-01-07 16:30:24

matt writes:


Anyhow, just stopped by to say that I've read the last entry several times now.

In an attempt to change that, I figured I'd call attention to it.

Oh, and to mitigate the audicity of the request... have a look at www.brainjar.com (cool menus and windows); and a cool grid too (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/grid/intro.html

Other than that... finally got that webserver sorta set up... not entirely happy with it; however, it keeps things off my machine for the time being.

Take 'er easy!

Submitted 2003-01-14 16:57:50

flying squirrel writes:

Yeah. Um, not to criticize or anything, but... when was the last time you updated your site? Pot, meet kettle. I know you two will get along. You've got so much in common. And I'm not just talking about colour.

But yeah, I'm a lazy bastard. And uninspired too. I had an urge to write poetry again today, but people wanted me to work. Bastards. I don't really have that urge anymore.

You'd see more around here if I'd get off my butt and upgrade my server. Then I'd feel comfortable mucking about with the code on the site, so I can post some of the stupid web crap I find during the day that other people probably don't want me telling them about directly. And because it's more entertaining that way. I like frequently-updated web pages too. Not that I can't do that now, really. Call it an excuse.

I looked at BrainJar ages and ages ago, back when I thought Javascript was vaguely interesting. I'm all jaded now. Still, I have to admit the guy's good...

Submitted 2003-01-14 17:42:04

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