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productive holiday

This Christmas holiday thing has been working out pretty well, I figure. I picked up a bundle of Doctor Who Magazines, braved the mall, finally got nice things for my sisters, had a donair, enjoyed a couple visits from my grandmother which were't too disasterous (aside from the fire), ate lots of food, got some neat stuff for me, played lots of Super Mario Sunshine (and a little Super Monkey Ball 2), ate some more, read through a couple books, met up with Matt and got him back on ICQ, and have generally relaxed.

All in all, not bad. A few minor complaints, though... This is a pretty small house when everybody's home. No major badness... just tense. Right now, though, my sisters are back in their respective towns doing whatever it is they do, so it's less crowded. They'll be back, but only for a day or two, and then I'll be gone too. And I had a really horrible headache the other night which didn't let me get any sleep until the afternoon. Although, when I got to it, I think your migraine trick worked, tink. Or it just went away naturally. I can never tell.

I've finished two Charlotte Macleod books over the last week. I also picked up Neil Gaiman's Coraline yesterday and started in on that. Neil Gaiman's at his best, I think, when he's doing this sort of fairy tale story. It's pretty rare nowadays, I think, for somebody to be writing prose that lends itself so well to being read out loud.

And it reminds me that I have to go out and see Spirited Away sometime.

Today I think I will go out for a long walk. But not without collecting some more shines first.


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