I’ve been quoted on [CBC’s Search Engine](http://www.cbc.ca/searchengine/)! You can [listen to the episode online](http://www.cbc.ca/searchengine/blog/2008/04/this_weeks_show_april_1708_lin.html). I just got around to listening to the episode (via podcast, of course) today.
A couple weeks ago they asked question about whether [net neutrality should be a right](http://www.cbc.ca/searchengine/blog/2008/04/the_internet_bill_of_rights_pt.html#comments). I caught that in my RSS feed and manage to get first post with one of many, many little arguments that I think pile up and demonstrate why some sort of guaranteed net neutrality is essential to what makes the Internet a positive, democratizing force. Here’s what I said:
> The Internet is a platform. It’s nothing without the people and the technologies that are built on it.
> Net Neutrality guarantees that new technologies (and new people) won’t be excluded by incumbents seeking to defend their position.
> Tim Berners-Lee said “When I invented the Web, I didn’t have to ask anyone for permission.”
They left out the bit about incumbents in the show… Not brilliant or earth-shattering, I think, but I think it’s a point that needs making.