Bullets over Belleville

* I spent the weekend in **Ottawa** for a friend’s wedding. That was pretty wonderful. I’m a big fan of weddings, and this was the first one I’d been to for friends (surprisingly, it’s taken this long). That’s so much cooler than extended family sorts of weddings. Not that I don’t like my family… Weddings are (at their best, anyways) parties, and parties with friends are quantitatively better.

* After the wedding, I spent a couple days in **Belleville** setting up my parents with my sister’s old computer. Old, but still newer and better than theirs. Actually, my parents computer would still be serviceable, except I think the harddrive is toast.

* So I missed the first couple days of the **commuter challenge**. I’m kind of annoyed that the metric they’re using for participation is kilometres. So because I bought a house 2.5km from work, even if I walk every day, I can’t hope to come close to matching the contribution of some dude who decides to take the bus in from his monster house in Cambridge one day (and never again, because that takes like two hours). So I’m a little perturbed. My dedication to the cause is obviously superior and I should be acknowledged and lauded for that fact! Because I’m awesome.

* Dell’s Days of Deals are dangerous. I bought a new **printer** yesterday. My old one sucked, though, and the new one prints duplex and works fine with Linux and Mac OS X. I might give the old one to my sister or something.

* Speaking of walking, I’m debating whether it’s possible to do most of my regular **grocery shopping** between the butcher, the baker and the international grocer which are all on my route home from work. The only problem is the butcher and baker both close around 6. Hm. More on this in a future non-bullet post.

* **Doctor Who** on Sunday. 7pm my place, unless I hear a better idea.

Make it stop

* God, what a mess out there.
* Drove into work late this morning. We were just having a company meeting anyway, and I can do that just as easily at home.
* Of course, there’s no way I was gonna be out there walking.
* Thank god for snow tires.
* Called roof guy. I feel we’re making real progress in our relationship.
* He’s sending a guy over tomorrow. Which is okay, I suppose. The dripping’s stopped and I don’t want some guy falling to his death in my backyard. That would suck.
* I got the ladder out last night and put it up against the roof. I guess I was thinking maybe I could clear the drainpipe or something and get some of the water moving again. Something. But I took one step on the thing and my whole brain screamed out “Jesus Christ! You’re going to kill yourself!” and I stepped down and put the ladder away again.
* I hate ladders.
* My trees survived the ordeal largely unscathed.
* Likewise, my eaves troughs are still attached to the eaves. I was a bit worried.
* Work was looking pretty good up until Wednesday when it started sucking again. Luckily, I have my quarterly review in a couple hours. This could either be good or very bad.
* I need a haircut.
* Ad Astra! Woo! I have no idea when I’ll get there.
* Okay, I’ll stop now.