So there’s an election Monday. Let’s get this over with first:
This blog endorses Diane Freeman for the riding of Waterloo.
I’m making this endorsement for two reasons. One, I honestly think she’s the best candidate for the job. And two, C-51.
Also the TPP, which has come along recently, but that only helped reaffirm my decision to vote NDP this time around. We’ll get back to that.
C-51 is a travesty of a law, enshrining secret trials and creating secret police, eviscerating any remaining Internet privacy protection. It needs to be repealed. It can’t just be amended, slapping on a little bit of oversight. It furthers the Conservatives’ agenda to criminalize dissent and flies in the face of our Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It cynically exploits the murder of a Canadian soldier to strip Canadians of the rights that our soldiers supposedly died for. Soldiers that Harper so dearly loves to talk about. Soldiers Nathan Cirillo was standing guard over.
It makes me so fucking angry.
I’m appalled that the Liberals supported this bill and even more shocked that they’d choose to defend it in this election campaign. For that reason alone, I can’t vote Liberal this time around. Strategic voting be damned.
Two parties have pledged to repeal C-51: the NDP and the Greens. So those are my choices.
More background reading about C-51:
- Anti-terror Bill, C-51, passes the House amid angry and personal exchanges
- Why The Anti-Terrorism Bill is Really an Anti-Privacy Bill: Bill C-51?s Evisceration of Privacy Protection [Michael Geist]
- Guest column: Why Elizabeth May is fighting Bill C-51 – Saanich News
- In Bill C-51, you can be ORDERED to help CSIS violate the Charter
- Conrad Black: Alarm bells must ring in response to the government’s new anti-terror bill [Conrad fucking Black!]