We’re just about a month away from Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary (November 23rd, or “Doctor Who Day,” as I have it in my calendar every year). I’m pretty excited.
This weekend I went to Toronto for [Who Party Toronto’s ‘A Day with Philip Hinchcliffe’](http://www.dwin.org/whoparty/). It was the first time I’d been to one of their smaller events (I’d been to their larger one-day Who Party conventions a couple times. This was small, intimate and a lot of fun. I ended up buying the special edition of [Robots of Death](http://www.amazon.ca/Doctor-Who-Robots-Death/dp/B005SH63H4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382403437&sr=8-1&keywords=robots+of+death) for Mr Hinchcliffe to sign, since I only had the original region 2 DVD (which was the one of the first DVDs they released back in 1998 or something). I’ve got a lot of respect for Philip Hinchcliffe’s era of Doctor Who (essentially Tom Baker’s first 3 years). And had to get in a question about [the line he’s producing for Big Finish](http://bigfinish.com/releases/v/philip-hinchcliffe-presents-box-set-945), coming out next year starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson as Leela, because that’s just awesome.
In a couple week’s I’ll be back in Toronto for [Reversed Polarity](http://tcon.ca/reversedpolarity), a weekend-long convention by the people who did Polaris and Toronto Trek. I always loved Toronto Trek. I went to Toronto Trek III.
Funny story: when I went to Toronto Trek III, I went to the Doctor Who news panel, hosted by [DWIN](http://dwin.org/) and asked whether the Valeyard would be coming back. Because I thought the whole idea of an evil version of the 12th or 13th Doctor was an awesome idea. I now note that we will have reached the 12th (or possibly 13th) Doctor. Hm…
Anyway, I’ve got a hotel room for Reversed Polarity and everything. And I’ve signed up to do a bunch of panels. Ellen will be joining me on Saturday, but I’m not sure I know anyone else who’s going. But I’ll find out, I guess. I’m looking forward to it. You can probably expect a con report, even though I’ve been bad at doing those lately.
For the actual anniversary itself, I hear they are probably going to be showing the 50th anniversary special in theatres in Canada. I suspect that means Toronto. I was thinking about throwing a party, but as I don’t have cable, I’d have to wait to be able to watch it by other means. Right now my plan is to wait and see what’s showing where.
Heard Miroki Tong mention doing something in conjunction with the Dr Who 50th as part of the G33K Art Show at K City Hall Nov 22-24 – on.fb.me/1agNtxJ.