2010! All in all, I think it was a good year. Personally, I mean. I have some issues with it geopolitically, but I don’t think we need to go into that. And, for a change, it went by without any significant job turmoil. That’s something!
* Back in January, I got myself dragged into the long-running Northdale neighbourhood debate in the city of Waterloo. Not something I enjoyed greatly, but I felt I had to dip my oar in. I even [presented to city council](http://www.flyingsquirrel.ca/index.php/2010/01/13/my-delegation-to-waterloo-city-council/) about it.
* I was [interviewed](http://www.flyingsquirrel.ca/index.php/2010/03/25/local-transportation-stuff-and-the-100/) by the (now sadly podfaded) The 100 Podcast about transportation issues and the LRT. That’s kind of cool.
* I made a failed attempt at live coding for [Kwartzlab’s latest 5+5 event](http://kwartzlab.ca/blog/dw/2010-07-05/55-v2-rocked-out). Fun, though. And I’m glad I did it.
* [[Kwartzlab]] continues to be a great thing in our community, that I’m happy to be a part of.
* I ran an [[Ubuntu]] Global Jam, two release parties and helped host a LAN party with Eric. I started holding [Ubuntu Hours](http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour) in Kitchener-Waterloo and IRC meetings for Ubuntu Canada online. In the end, [txwikinger](http://blog.txwikinger.me.uk/) and I became the new “contacts” for the [Ubuntu Canada Local Community](http://ubuntu-ca.org) organization.
* I joined the office dodgeball team, leading to a number of minor injuries.
* I went to [Bill](http://thesidekick.ca) and Tara’s wedding. Eric and Alex get married tonight.
* I co-presented on unit testing with [Alexei](http://twitter.com/az1) at the local [agile software development group](https://waterlooagilelean.wordpress.com/). More live coding!
* Speaking of the Agile P2P, a number of us got together to start a technical [book club](http://agileclub.wikispaces.com/), starting with [Uncle Bob](http://www.objectmentor.com/omTeam/martin_r.html)’s [Clean Code](http://www.amazon.com/Clean-Code-Handbook-Software-Craftsmanship/dp/0132350882). A number of agile development luminaries, including Uncle Bob, have joined our conversations.
* My blogging output flagged a bit, with everything else going on. I took out some of my local politics frustrations on the [[Waterloo-Wellington Bloggers]] Association, but that site is now defunct, merging with [Wonderful Waterloo](http://wonderfulwaterloo.com). That site has asked me to contribute as a blogger, but I haven’t pulled together a post yet.
* The new season of Doctor Who was awesome! I thought so, anyway. Also, I now have a ridiculous amount of Doctor Who toys.
* Ellen is still awesome.
* I became an uncle. My sister Erin’s son Grady was born in October.
Hey D’arcy…nice summary! So you’re also an Ubuntu expert! We just began running one of our services on an Ubuntu server..looking at a big learning curve! groan
Awesome year!
Mine was a little more subdued, but still… can’t complain.
Looking forward to hearing about 2011!
Matt, I can’t say I have personal experience in these areas, but I don’t think any year in which you had a kid can honestly summed up as “subdued.”