2010 in review

2010! All in all, I think it was a good year. Personally, I mean. I have some issues with it geopolitically, but I don’t think we need to go into that. And, for a change, it went by without any significant job turmoil. That’s something!

* Back in January, I got myself dragged into the long-running Northdale neighbourhood debate in the city of Waterloo. Not something I enjoyed greatly, but I felt I had to dip my oar in. I even [presented to city council](http://www.flyingsquirrel.ca/index.php/2010/01/13/my-delegation-to-waterloo-city-council/) about it.
* I was [interviewed](http://www.flyingsquirrel.ca/index.php/2010/03/25/local-transportation-stuff-and-the-100/) by the (now sadly podfaded) The 100 Podcast about transportation issues and the LRT. That’s kind of cool.
* I made a failed attempt at live coding for [Kwartzlab’s latest 5+5 event](http://kwartzlab.ca/blog/dw/2010-07-05/55-v2-rocked-out). Fun, though. And I’m glad I did it.
* [[Kwartzlab]] continues to be a great thing in our community, that I’m happy to be a part of.
* I ran an [[Ubuntu]] Global Jam, two release parties and helped host a LAN party with Eric. I started holding [Ubuntu Hours](http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour) in Kitchener-Waterloo and IRC meetings for Ubuntu Canada online. In the end, [txwikinger](http://blog.txwikinger.me.uk/) and I became the new “contacts” for the [Ubuntu Canada Local Community](http://ubuntu-ca.org) organization.
* I joined the office dodgeball team, leading to a number of minor injuries.
* I went to [Bill](http://thesidekick.ca) and Tara’s wedding. Eric and Alex get married tonight.
* I co-presented on unit testing with [Alexei](http://twitter.com/az1) at the local [agile software development group](https://waterlooagilelean.wordpress.com/). More live coding!
* Speaking of the Agile P2P, a number of us got together to start a technical [book club](http://agileclub.wikispaces.com/), starting with [Uncle Bob](http://www.objectmentor.com/omTeam/martin_r.html)’s [Clean Code](http://www.amazon.com/Clean-Code-Handbook-Software-Craftsmanship/dp/0132350882). A number of agile development luminaries, including Uncle Bob, have joined our conversations.
* My blogging output flagged a bit, with everything else going on. I took out some of my local politics frustrations on the [[Waterloo-Wellington Bloggers]] Association, but that site is now defunct, merging with [Wonderful Waterloo](http://wonderfulwaterloo.com). That site has asked me to contribute as a blogger, but I haven’t pulled together a post yet.
* The new season of Doctor Who was awesome! I thought so, anyway. Also, I now have a ridiculous amount of Doctor Who toys.
* Ellen is still awesome.
* I became an uncle. My sister Erin’s son Grady was born in October.

3 thoughts on “2010 in review”

  1. Hey D’arcy…nice summary! So you’re also an Ubuntu expert! We just began running one of our services on an Ubuntu server..looking at a big learning curve! groan

  2. Awesome year!

    Mine was a little more subdued, but still… can’t complain.

    Looking forward to hearing about 2011!

  3. Matt, I can’t say I have personal experience in these areas, but I don’t think any year in which you had a kid can honestly summed up as “subdued.”

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