Hammar, we hardly knew ye.

This is sad... Dag Hammarskjöld is no more...

I went to Sunshine for lunch today, and noticed they were well on their way to tearing down my old university residence.

I lived there for about two years total, as you mortals reckon time. Back when I lived there, it actually had walls, of course.

A good chunk of my time spent there was pretty miserable, but I still hate to see the place go. I loved the building. It was the people I had a problem with. (And not even all the people... More the general social atmosphere).

Ah well, enough of that. I'm mostly posting this for Dave. I'm glad I got a change to take a few pictures before it all comes down (assuming that's the plan...).


riizu writes:

abuse abuse abuse!! XP

Submitted 2005-03-30 00:40:24

flying squirrel writes:

What? Too many pictures? They're nice pictures...

Submitted 2005-03-30 01:12:15

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