e23, Steve Jackson's online publishing outfit, went live yesterday. I went in right away to download Caravan to Ein Arris. (I was kind of hoping they'd have a 4th ed version of the old Dai Blackthorne solo adventure, but alas no). I have to go with Cory here... e23 is brilliantly laid out. I'll definitely be buying stuff from them as things I'm interested in start coming out...
Now THAT is an excellent idea.
I haven't read very much, but would these be cheaper than going out to a store and buying them? I would hope so since they don't have to do the printing costs.
OK, so I just read a little bit more, and I like that they don't assume you're going to rip them off. I wish more people would trust their customers that way.
Submitted 2005-01-21 13:32:56
flying squirrel
It's all game stuff, so not a lot of night-time reading material. Still... Cheap game stuff. Stuff you can buy and print off multiple copies for your friends, even. That's handy.
Well, I think they assume people are going to rip them off, but they assume if they're nice to their customers, their customers will be nice back. Steve's built up a lot of good will over the years...
Submitted 2005-01-21 13:56:13
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