I was going to do a long-winded astrological self-analysis, like I did for the Myers-Briggs thing. But when I got writing, I found that I was too close to me to make it at all objective. It wasn't very interesting either. So without further ado, I'll give you a "cookbook" astrological analysis I did years ago, taken from astrology-numerology.com, as well, as an astrogical chart diagram to get all mystical and stuff. I may present my own commentary later.

the flying squirrel

Born June 25, 1975. 17:40 EDT

Belleville, Ontario, CANADA

[my chart diagram]


In this section of the reading we'll look at the the Sun, the Moon, and each of the planets. As each body is introduced, a brief paragraph will tell the area of life and living most affected by the planet. These planet placements begin to paint the astrological picture of the inner you.


The chart reading will begin with the Sun as the primary focus of astrology. The Sun's position in the zodiac is very important, and most agree it deserves first consideration. It's the core of the individual; the overriding nature and will. This is the influence that describes the "you" that is trying to be in this lifetime. This is your "awake" side, your consciousness and outer-directed individuality. Thus, the Sun is the most important single indicator, fueling the total personality. The nature of your Sun sign is your true colors that you display to world day in and day out.


The Sun is in this fourth sign of the zodiac from 22 June until 22 July each year. The symbol for Cancer is the Crab, with its protective shell. People with this Sun sign are sometimes also called "Moon Children," because the Moon is the ruler of the sign.

In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning.

You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened.

You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original "pack-rats."

You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation.

Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk sweeping change.

Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.


The Moon's position in your chart is almost as important as the Sun, but the influence is different. The moon is your emotional life. It relates to immediate emotional responses. It's those reactions instilled by conditioning; the memory and learned habit patterns. The influence of the Moon is more subtle, for it relates to personality beneath the surface; your feelings and your subconscious self. It shows how you react to those around you based on the sum of your conditioned viewpoint and unguarded self-projection. Often, the Moon's place in the chart shows a considerably different side of the nature, a side fostered by emotions, upbringing, and habit patterns that have developed over time


A Capricorn Moon is determined, steadfast and reliable. This sign more than any other, shows the effects of very strong and perhaps rigid parental influence. You want to be recognized as an important and powerful person chiefly because you were raised to think that way. Many of your reactions are geared toward your effort to achieve status and position. Your nature is stubbornly persistent, serious in tone, and stable. You are a very hard worker who will persist almost forever to reach a goal.

Expressing your emotions is difficult for you, and people around you may view you as a little cold, rigid and unfeeling. This appearance will persist because it is so hard for you to relax and let go. In most ways you are reserved, especially in communicating, and the way you interact with people. You are self-conscious and emotionally conservative. So serious and prudent, you tend too often to look on the dark side of matters, and express a shyness and doubt about your own worth. You are supersensitive to real, or fancied, slights. There is a subconscious tendency to become dispirited and gloomy. You can be emotionally stable and down-to-earth when things are going okay, but when they aren't, you can be down right depressing.

In relationships with others, you are loyal, devoted and highly dependable--but demonstrative you are not. You show you care by being available, by coming home on time, by providing for financial needs--rarely do you express deep emotions or seem to show your love in the more conventional ways. With your own children, you're likely to be strict and demanding. You want them to be self-sufficient and responsible. Though you may love deeply, even with closest family members, it is hard to express those most intimate feelings of affection.

A practical, steady approach to problem solving makes you an excellent manager with superb executive abilities. Security and stability are very important to you--making money, establishing yourself as a community leader, or accepting the responsibility that will secure your status and attest to your worth as an individual. Your attitude toward life in general is that of the traditionalist because you were raised to believe in solid values and a very conservative approach to living.

This placement of the Moon is difficult, but its saving grace is the fact that it easily picks up the best of a chart featuring good aspects, while it gives a sense of stability to those charts in which the aspects are particularly challenging.

The SUN and the MOON sign COMBINED

4-10 Cancer/Capricorn

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a good deal of ambition and determination in your personality. Yet this is well disguised in a mask of congeniality and understanding. The Cancer Sun is naturally understanding and affectionate, lessening the normal coldness of the Capricorn Moon. This lends good insight and a penetrating look at human nature. You are well equipped for a role in some type of public or official responsibility, and apt to gain recognition for your work in this regard. Prestige and status are likely to flow your way if you make any effort to achieve before the public. You have a reassuring way as you always seem willing to assume responsibilities, and work hard to reach goals. You expect things of value to require a good deal of effort. Unassuming and unpretentious, you are ever willing to tow your share of the load. You appreciate the value of a dollar, but you're not likely to spare cost when it comes to obtaining quality for your investment. A high degree of self-discipline allows you to save or even hoard money for that rainy day. You have a shrewdness that produces a genial and warm manner, but your purpose remains steely and determined. This nice blend of the personal and the sincere, with the calculating business core, allows you to accomplish much without hurting anyone's feelings. It permits you to muster and retain many friends along the way. You know how to drive a hard bargain with a smile on your face, and you have a keen sense for understanding people and instinctively sensing their motives.

The Planet MERCURY

Mercury's sign describes your thought processes and projection. It's closely associated with its natural home, the third house of learning and communication. Mercury is the indication of your general intellectual orientation, and the expression of your thoughts and ideas. In other words, it describes the way you think and communicate, and the way you get information. Mercury also shows how you like to travel through life. Are you a speedster who takes the most direct route, or do you amble and get side-tracked sometimes?


Gemini is the natural home for Mercury, and the placement produces pure logical reasoning of the highest order. This Mercury denotes a lightning quick thinker. Your concern is with fact and unbiased understanding, rather than personal preference. Communication is easy, rapid, accurate and often eloquent. You are an interesting and incessant conversationalist. Mercury is at its quickest and best when it resides in Gemini.

If given proper training, you excel in mathematics as well as in language. You are very logical, and your mind moves very quickly. You love logic, a fact making you an excellent teacher or reporter.

When engaged in arguments, you may miss a basic premise, but you are clever enough to win anyway. The opponent is convinced by your rational remarks. You have a great variety of interests, and your mind may flit from one idea to the next, never digging in very deeply. You have an intense curiosity leading you to want to know a little about nearly everything. This makes you a very interesting person, but rarely an expert in any particular field.

The down side of Mercury in Gemini is the sensitive nervous system often noted. It's hard for you to shut out external stimulation of any sort. You may find yourself being forced to deal with too much activity and too many impressions from time to time. If you allow yourself to be subjected to too much stress and too many demands for an extended period, you can become frazzled and subject to breakdown. The obvious signs of this problem are irritability and mental confusion. The root cause of this is simply spreading yourself too thin. Getting away from it all generally provides a quick cure.

The Planet VENUS

The planet Venus has an influence centered on the expression of emotions in personal relationships. It is especially associated with love, marriage, and the ability to attract others. Its placement in the chart shows how you express yourself in romantic relationships and in marriage. In mythology, Venus is the goddess of love, and in astrology that link is the same. In the various signs the nature of how you deal with people is modified and clarified by Venus. Venus is often in the same sign as the Sun since it can never be more than 45° from the Sun. When it is in the same sign, there is a consistence in behavior that extends to dealing with people and in romantic situations. When Venus is in a different sign, the character of the Sun is often overcome by the romantic tug of Venus.


If Venus is in Leo in your chart it suggests a behavior that is theatrical, with a good deal of personal and social pride. Venus in Leo is warm-hearted and fun-loving, a natural showman with a need for self-expression. There is an innate need to be in the spotlight and center of attention. You have much physical and emotional magnetism that attracts romantic interest easily. You thrive on these attractions and what they mean to your ego. Romance helps you maintain your high opinion of yourself. You are happiest when you are in love and when bestowing your gift of romance on a lucky admirer. Glamour, excitement and charm mark your courtship endeavors. You are lavish with your attentions, presents, and with yourself. The Venus Leo in love is sincere and whole-hearted. You are one of the most romantic and ardent of lovers. This is an outgoing and affectionate position for Venus, as you truly love life and romantic drama. You can be very loyal to those whom you think worthy of your affections, but you expect strong affections in return. Despite all the fun and show, you are an extremely stable and loyal partner. You are basically a one-love person because your pride is so wrapped up in your relationships. If there is a break in a serious relationship, it will most likely be a very hard and bitter one. While you are innately faithful in love, you are not one to discourage or ignore other admirers. You love to be noticed and admired. You enjoy attracting romantic interest, though you have no interest or desire to follow through on these idle flirtations.

The Planet MARS

The sign in which Mars resides in the birth chart shows the expression of energies. Mars suggests the projection of self. This planet is linked to the sex drive, so its placement shows the approach to matters of pursuing the opposite gender. The key element of Mars is assertiveness, and its placement in the different signs qualifies and quantifies this trait. Because of this, Mars has much to do with the projection of personality. The Mars position suggests whether your energies are going to be largely physical (fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), material (earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), mental (air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), or emotional (water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).


In Aries Mars represents high energy, initiative, courage and impulsiveness. You have an unrestricted drive to get projects done, to start new projects, and to act decisively. Your enthusiasm is contagious. An individualist, you always want to do things your way. Based on the influence of this planet taken by itself, you are not good at compromise or teamwork. There is a major part of you that always wants to charge out ahead of the pack and be a leader. Despite your apparent leadership abilities, you may function best when you are working alone and independently because of your demand to have your own way. If you are in a group, you will aspire to be the leader. Headstrong and independent, you won't tolerate opposition or interference and your temper can get you into trouble at times. Mars in Aries makes you very competitive in a variety of ways.

The Planet JUPITER

Jupiter takes about twelve years to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac. It is the largest planet in our solar system, and in mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods. The dominate theme and its size may account for the theory of expansion associated with the planet. The nature of Jupiter in a horoscope relates to the expansion of horizons or growth in higher understanding. The sign placement of Jupiter helps define ones higher level of thinking. Since Jupiter stays in the same sign for about one year, many people born while Jupiter is in a given sign will have similar views on ideas and beliefs of that period. Often this placement gives clues as to your views of the weightier issues of life such as religion, philosophy and social issues of the day. Jupiter also rules optimism in living, prosperity, and growth, both mentally and physically.


This placement indicates leadership ability in matters related to higher knowledge. When it comes to those natural inclinations of Jupiter.... philosophy, education, and other spiritual matters, you are an innovative student and practitioner. You are very creative in these matters, determined to make changes and improvements.

You are energetic and enterprising, possessing much self-esteem. You are independent, and because of your desire to be on your own, you should do well in your own business.

You will have the ability to attract many of the good things in life at an early age. There is a tendency, however, to be a little too overconfident and careless where money and business is concerned. The impulsive nature overrides practical common sense when Jupiter is in the sign of action.

The Planet SATURN

Saturn is associated with restrictions and obstacles. These frustrating or inhibiting aspects of life are expressed through the sign that Saturn occupies in your chart. Since the planet remains in each sign for two and a half years, these are traits you may share with most of your contemporaries. The traits described become more pronounced when Capricorn is on the Ascendant (Ascendants or Rising signs will be discussed in part 2) or when Saturn is in the first house of the chart. Saturn is the natural ruler of the tenth house of the professional life, honor, fame, and success in the eyes of the world at large. Thus, the placement of Saturn denotes the approach to climbing the ladder of success, or the difficulties encountered on that ladder.


Saturn in Cancer places a restriction on the show of emotions. You have a tendency to hide your inner thoughts and feelings; a self-protective coating where emotions are concerned. Home and family weigh heavily on you, and you may give up opportunities to respect these obligations. Family is both a bond and a burden. Often, there is a lack of closeness and warmth between family members. Positive inner action between you and your parents, or you and your children, can be cause for concern. You may love them very much, but it's difficult for you to show your feeling. There is an obligation of responsibility associated with this placement that makes success in the outside world difficult to attain.


In this part of the reading you will read about the twelve houses of the horoscope. They describe the twelve areas of life in which everyone operates on a daily basis. You will read how you are likely to react and handle each of these areas of life according to your unique personality and the specific traits described as the Inner you.

The horoscope is divided into twelve sections or houses. Each house relates to a specific part of the life. This reading will consider each house by discussing the zodiac sign influencing the sector. It also will discuss the influence emerging when one or more planets occupy the houses, and the sensitive aspects formed between these bodies.

In constructing an accurate horoscope the time of day must be known to establish properly the Rising sign or Ascendant. The Rising sign is the sign of the zodiac positioned on the eastern horizon (on the cusp of the first house) at birth. The correctness of this point is critical in constructing and interpreting the chart. The Ascendant and the zodiac sign on each of the 12 house details the outer you.


This first house is the house of the self as it deals with the physical person. The Rising sign/Ascendant is a filter lens through which the Sun, the Moon, and the planets come in to play. The Ascendant distinguishes the different variables in disposition, temperament and even physical appearances in persons born on the same day, but at different times. Your Ascendant denotes the way you look at life. Often, it's the impression of "you" perceived by those around you.


Scorpio rising produces a personality that is deeply reserved, secretive and determined. The power of the personality emerging from a Scorpio Ascendant is so intense, magnetic, and charismatic, that it is often somewhat overwhelming. Symbolized by the scorpion, you have an external "coat of armor" that protects and lets you survive in hostile situations. You are not the sort of person who ever knuckles under, even when pressures and circumstances would defeat lesser souls. When cornered, the famous "deadly scorpion sting" may be brought into play.

With Scorpio on the rise your personality is very powerful. People find you hard to understand, to know what you are thinking at any particular time. There is a hidden depth to your persona that is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Much of the time you may feel as though you are misunderstood. You are very willful and self-reliant, appearing calm and in control on the surface. Yet there are strong emotions at work inwardly. Scorpio is a water sign, and it is a fixed sign. This means that you are an emotional person. These emotions are very controlled (fixed), giving you the determination and the strength to overcome just about any opponent.

Resentment and jealousy can be intense with you. You always pursue your goals with intensity. You can stand under heavy strain, and be relied upon to stay cool, even in the most serious emergency.

You're inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and occasionally you can be "stingingly " sarcastic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with the Scorpio the range of possibilities is extreme. Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray with Scorpio on the rise. Your penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation. You can make an instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one.

The Scorpio personality is often maligned as over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent on revenge. This is not completely true, but Scorpio does get what it wants, when it wants it, most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with.

The Planet NEPTUNE

Neptune's placement in the first house indirectly imposes an influence upon your personality. This placement suggests that you are susceptible to subliminal influences. You're highly impressionable and intuitive. There is apt to be a strong reliance on spiritual qualities. There can be self-delusion associated with this placement, and often there is a good bit of confusion regarding goals and proper direction in life. Thus, you may drift in life, and miss or delay action that should be taken. A lack of definite self-image can, if you let it, force you to depend on others for support and direction. Thanks to this placement, you are probably much more psychic than most people and perhaps much more psychic than you believe yourself to be.


The second house relates to personal possessions and general prosperity. It deals with your sense of values and how you view your security. Factors associated with the second house may show how you acquire and how you spend your material resources. The house may also relate how important these assets are in your life.


The Sagittarius influence in the second house suggests that your reserve does not extend to financial affairs. You are a most generous person, willing to share what you have with those in need. Your attitude toward money is philosophical. Your interest in financial matters extends only to taking care of your needs and sharing. Accumulation is not particularly important to you. Nonetheless, you are very effective in doing whatever you set out to do in a material sense. You are lucky in this regard. Your personality attracts financial success naturally. You may have a somewhat inflated estimate of your worth, and you can be extravagant in your expenditures. You are a risk taker who may get burned from time to time. Your goal oriented approach to life usually assures that plenty of money is available to satisfy your desires. Your income is likely to be the result of long-range planning. Often long-distance travel is associated with producing revenue and earning a living.

Intercepted by

The influence of Capricorn in the second house suggests prudence and practicality in the handling of money. Even if you were somehow to amass a much wealth, you would always be careful about how you spent it. It may be that you have a "poor" complex. By not knowing how much you are worth or what your earning potential is, you continue to live as though you had very little. When buying investments, you are inclined toward the blue chips and sure bets. Your personality is very open-hearted, but with pocketbook issues you are very cautious and practical. You may reject luxury or expensive living. It just may be that you just don't want to deal with anything so mundane as financial matters, preferring to keep your sights on the horizon.


The Moon placed in the second house indicates periodic changes in the conditions of your finances. Money and material possessions are important to you for the emotional security they bring. Because of this, you are especially shrewd and acquisitive. Your emotional well-being, in general, is dependent on material comfort. Emotional insecurity is amplified then any problems with finances are experienced, and this can have a strong impact on domestic affairs.

Moon square Mars

The square formed between the Moon and Mars shows that you have an emotionally volatile nature. It suggests the tendency to become easily upset. You may take matters entirely too personal and often loose your cool. This aspect makes human relationships more difficult because of being demanding or very sensitive. You need to make your way in the world with no interference, and this is very difficult for anyone to do. With maturity you will likely learn to be less demanding on others and refrain from taking offense so easily and quickly. Channeled properly, your energy is boundless, and you can move mountains. Often this aspect results in many emotional crises that can lead to poor health if not handled properly. Harmony in relationships must be a conscious goal.

Moon square Uranus

The square formed between the Moon and Uranus promises an ingenious imagination. It also produces emotional perversity and sudden inexplicable changes in moods. You become easily bored, throwing over one activity for something else more exciting. Frequent upsets and changes in circumstances, may be the order of your life. Your hair-trigger temper can fly whenever, even toward those close to you. This aspect denotes much emotional tension. As you mature, this aspect may mark you as an advanced thinker, but one likely to remain a law unto self. Tact is something you have to learn to fit more comfortable into society. Your uncompromising honesty and painfully truthful criticisms can make life difficult at times.


The third house of the chart concerns your thought processes and how you relate to others in your formative years; the early environment and early relationships. It deals with subjects such as writing, news, communication, speech and learning to deal with the world. Accordingly, it is associated with early education.


The influence of Aquarius in the third house denotes a sparkling intellect and an inventive mind. Your thinking and writing show originality and progressiveness, but usually in fixed and inflexible terms. Sagittarius Rising often produces individuals whose thinking is well ahead of their time, and sometimes radical. New and different ideas may grab your attention. You seek education simply for the sake of learning instead of just for preparing to earn a living. There is a strong inclination to learn, and then to pass your knowledge on to others. Uranus, the spontaneous planet, rules this area of your chart. Nervous energy generated by this planet may prompt you to say whatever comes to your mind.


The fourth house of the chart is your base of operation; in a material sense, your home. In a more spiritual sense, this house relates to your soul. Psychological roots, including family or racial traditions, are among the affairs of this house. It is associated with real estate and property, or your home and your security.


The Pisces influence in the fourth house shows an emotional tie to the home. You are sentimental about your family and willing to make sacrifices for your loved ones. You have a strong need for domestic peace and seclusion. You value the privacy of your home and use it as a retreat. Neptune, the planet of the idealistic and unrealistic, is ruling this area of the chart. You are sensitive to your home environment, and to the environment in general. You want and need ideal conditions in your surroundings. You look for the kind of living space that provides an escape from the realities of your everyday life.


The fifth house is the field of self-expression. This area shows effort put forth to distinguish yourself from others. It deals with your romantic affairs, procreation, your offspring, and with artistic endeavors, hobbies, books written, and other personal achievements. The fifth house also relates to those things in life that we enjoy doing; how you are entertained. Finally, relationships with children are described by this sector of the chart.


The influence of Aries in the fifth house suggests that you aggressively seek romance, entertainment and recreation pleasures. You never mind spending your money for leisure time activities, whatever they may be. You love the outdoors and a need to stay on the move. You have a sporting attitude that makes you fun to be around. With Mars ruling this sector of your chart, physical activity is necessary for your well-being and happiness.

You are well equipped to work with young people, but you may be a bit impatient dealing with very young children.

The Planet MARS

This association of Mars with the fifth house shows a great expenditure of energies pursuing the pleasures of life, including romances. You are athletic, impulsive and fickle. Mars in the fifth will expand on inclinations toward showing off, theater, or creative talent. You have an active and aggressive sex drive, making you highly competitive in courtship, and jealousy during this period of your life may be apparent. You love to compete, but may be a bad loser. Sociable, and a born promoter, you may be a bit self-indulgent, and at times, foolhardy. Many your activities and much of your energy may be related to children.

Mars conjunct Jupiter

The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter produces an abundance of energy and enthusiasm. You have much confidence in your abilities to do whatever you set out to do. You are the type that refuses to accept NO as an answer. You approach challenges with a dramatic flare and utter determination. You are a confident decision-maker. This is an aspect that often produces high ambitions, wealth, and good luck. You may drive yourself much too hard sometimes.

Mars opposite Uranus

The opposition between Mars and Uranus excites to competition and arouses others to challenge you. You're demanding and authoritative. You thrive on argument, even when you aren't serious about it. Because of these assertive leanings, you can make an excellent salesperson, but you may have some problems with human relations. You don't tolerate restrictions of your freedom and mobility, needing to be constantly on the move. You may be attracted to hazardous activities such as flying, racing, exploring, or mountain climbing. Because you are accident prone, these and other similar pastimes are not recommended. You must be careful and take safety precautions. Avoid desires to throw caution to the winds, because you need not prove yourself in these ways. You may not be an easy person to live with because of periodic outbursts of temper and sometimes cantankerous attitude. A revolutionary, you are likely to oppose tradition with its limits on individuality. You want your way, and can be critical of any authority.

The Planet JUPITER

Jupiter in the fifth house shows that the planet plays an important part shaping an ability to proceed through life very much on the strength of your character. You are apt to live a privileged life, which you are able to accept as your rightful due. You have much good fortune, and you enjoy yourself as a result of this planet, known as the greater benefic. While life is essentially an enjoyment for you, Jupiter is also a planet with a higher purpose, and you are apt to feel an inner drive for personal expression and the need to make a contribution to society. Jupiter in the fifth house often produces success in teaching, politics, the ministry, or in the entertainment business. Often, this placement denotes a rather large family or a significant association with children.

Jupiter square Saturn

The square between Jupiter and Saturn denotes some problems with self-esteem. You question your abilities and put yourself down when you compare yourself to others. Parental influence may have contributed to this lack of confidence.


The sixth house is the field of service. Subjects here revolve around work and health matters. Duties, practical responsibilities, and mundane tasks are affairs of this house, as are relations with employees and coworkers. Your degree of interest in health and fitness matters is likely to be shown here.


The Taurus influence in the sixth house makes one who is practical and conservative at work. You approach your responsibilities with determined discipline and firm goals in mind. Be careful in selecting the work you do because unless you really love what you are doing, you can never be happy. Teaching is very attractive for you because it affords ample opportunities for security and the time necessary for your varied extracurricular activities. While Taurus known for perseverance, at times the lazy side may appear. You may want to rebel against the demands of the job and take life easier if there is any way you can.


The seventh house is the field of relationships. This house, opposite the first (matters of the self), relates to the other people with whom you enter close association. It is your social consciousness and cooperation, or the lack of it. Contracts, including the marriage, and other relationships, adversary encounters and law suits, are housed here. Partnerships in business and in life are seventh house matters.


The Taurus influence in the seventh house suggests one who is a loyal but jealous marital partner. You are conservative and discriminating in choosing a mate. Once you've picked someone, the marriage usually sticks, although it may be stormy sometimes. There is a much stubbornness in both you and your partner. You seek a marriage partner expressing the qualities of Taurus; easygoing to a point, but stable, steady and sometimes stubborn. Marriage is for love, but a few material luxuries help make the union a success. Often, marriage and other partnerships bring material benefits.

The Planet MERCURY

Mercury positioned in the seventh house produces an association with this house of relationships. This position shows a tendency to gravitate toward clever, articulate people. You are adept at communicating with the public and should succeed in sales, public relations, or law. You also excel in arbitration, mediation, and counseling. The need for mental companionship should lead you to marry a person who is intelligent and well educated. You are good at promoting your ideas and expressing yourself in an intelligent manner.

Mercury sextile Venus

The sextile formed between Mercury and Venus shows grace and skill in your speech and writing. Often this aspect shows talent in a literary sense or in composing music. You know how to express your opinions with skill and color, and without being argumentative. You are refined in your presentations and you usually see to it that your position is well documented and tactfully delivered. Your personality is more easygoing than other factors in your horoscope may suggest.


The eighth house is the field of joint resources. This house deals with possessions that are not earned by you, but obtained through relationships or inheritance. It also involves funds belonging to others such as taxes, corporate money, insurance, and the stock market. It addresses matters of generation, regeneration, research and investigation. The eighth house relates to interests in the mysteries of life.


The Gemini influence in the eighth house brings a healthy curiosity about the mysteries of life. You like to talk and think about such subjects. You love a good mystery, and you have the kind of mind that can dig to bottom and solve complex problems. You are full of ideas about how properly to handle joint finances.

Intercepted by

The sign Cancer rides on the cusp of the eighth house denoting an emotional interest in many mysteries of life on a very basic level. You have a very introspective interest in the profound issues of life and death. In many ways, it may be difficult for you to ask for anything that you need of an emotional nature. Thus, you rarely expose emotional needs, withdrawing instead. There may be two distinct sides to your personality; one happily extroverted and the other brooding and reflective. When the latter side of the nature takes over, you tend to draw back. You cease to be the go-getter that usually marks your style.


The Sun resides in the eighth house denoting a deep creativity and a large understanding of life. The chief purpose of the Sun in this house is to give you a sensitivity to other people's values and there probably will be some responsibility in this regard. You have a close identification with social values. Activities often center on possessions or resources of other people, and you may find your energies invested in collective enterprises. Stock markets, banking, pensions, and some form of sociological investigation are but a few of the fields that may attract. In any field that you enter you are to be very creative, investigative, and thorough as a researcher.

Sun square Pluto

A square formed between the Sun and Pluto shows a tendency for willfulness to build up in your nature. As the pressures become greater, you are apt to explode. This may be a puzzlement to those around you because most of the time you are so self-restrained and in perfect control. Perhaps there is a frustrated ambition for power and authority. This is an aspect often associated with a "revolutionary spirit." There is an enigma in your personality, and you are defensive about forming close emotional ties. You have executive ability and the talent for managing ambitious enterprises. You must learn the art of compromise if you are striving to get far in life. This may not come easily for you unless it is shown elsewhere in the chart. With compromise and understanding of the egos of others, this is a power aspect.

The Planet SATURN

Saturn in the eighth house of joint finances and sexual affairs denotes very strict and restrained attitudes regarding sex and money. It suggests financial difficulties relating to joint funds of the business partner or the marital partner. With a Saturn influence in the eighth house, financial responsibilities or obligations are very apt to weigh heavily upon you. You are likely accountable for the holdings of others, as well as your own.


The ninth house is the field of long range goals, planning and long distance travel. Matters of profound mental interest, including religion, philosophy and higher education are ninth house affairs. Also associated with the ninth are journeys to far off places and searches for new horizons, both physically and mentally.


The influence of Leo positioned on the ninth house cusp is shown in the pride and confidence you take in your ideas. The Sun rules Leo focusing this as the area of greatest vitality in your chart. Energies are consolidated in the affairs of this house denoting a love of these more profound matters. Travels of long duration may be your favorite form of recreation. Travel can become as much a necessity as food or drink. Your quest for education may be insatiable, and many with this influence become "professional students." Philosophical and idealistic, you are caught up in abstract thought. You'd like to convert, or at least enlighten, those less informed than you. You are a natural teacher of higher thought.

The Planet VENUS

Venus in the ninth house makes this planet closely associated with the affairs of this sector of higher learning, travel, and philosophical thinking. This placement shows that pleasure is derived from study of philosophy, religion, and art. You are an intuitive person and you appreciate many of the finer things in life. A ninth house Venus suggests lengthy pleasure trips, which may provide the opportunity for important social contacts and romantic encounters. Strong attachments may develop with persons from foreign countries, different races, cultures, or religions.

Venus Trine Jupiter

The trine formed between Venus and Jupiter shows that inner poise enables you to view people and circumstances with optimism. Negative elements don't disturb you much because you're so sure everything will turn out right. It's hard to be depressed around you. It's rare for you to share your difficulties with anyone, preferring to work them out on your own, with little or no fanfare. You have an outstanding talent for handling people, and you will no doubt succeed in fields where this can be put to use. Your sense of ethics and social decorum is also strong as you strive to be your best. You reach out to people with sincerity and honesty. Vulgar and ill-mannered individuals really turn you off.


The tenth house is the sector of worldly attainment. This field denotes just how you present yourself to the public at large and how you'll be remembered. It deals with the profession, offices held, and reputation. The house also relates to affairs of state or of other large scale operations.


The Virgo influence in tenth house suggests that attainment is gained through service. Often this service is associated with improving people's minds. You work with diligence and devotion to fulfill professional commitments. Despite your broad views, you can efficiently cope with many details in your work. Your career may deal with writing and critical analysis, allowing you to express your practical, concrete observations and your thoughts and theories. You will be bored unless your career requires the exchange of ideas and a complexity of detail. You probably play it safe in selecting a career. You may prefer to find employment in a large, well-established organization such as civil service, a church, or an educational institution.

The Planet PLUTO

Pluto's place in the chart marks the house in which revolutionary changes often occur. This planet represents reforming and regeneration. Pluto is positioned in your tenth house denoting a strong will and need to succeed in a career. This planet here often shows an aptitude for some field of science, a healing profession, or perhaps merely dealing with powerful individuals such as in a political environment. Interruptions and breaks in business or professional activities may occur because of the disruptive nature of Pluto.


The eleventh house is associated with the achievement toward goals and objectives. Often it is called the house of hopes and wishes. Humanitarian and philanthropic enterprises, clubs, groups, associations, and the sharing of ideals is emphasized here. People that help you, friends, connections and influence matters relate to this house.


The influence of Libra in the eleventh house shows an amiable demeanor with friends and working in group situations. In this context, you are diplomatic and evenhanded. You are likely to be selected to head a group just because of you are acceptable to those with divergent interests. Venus ruling this house denotes a highly social attitude. You really love to be with friends. Often this sign denotes marriage to friend of long standing. You can identify with all different types of people. This placement also shows a degree of indecisiveness and vacillation in clearly defining and setting goals and objectives.

The Planet URANUS

Uranus in the eleventh house exerts its erratic behavior in this house of your hopes and wishes, and with friends and associations. This placement suggests that your life's goals and ambitions can change in a sudden and unpredictable fashion. You have some difficulty making up your mind and settling into your life work. You make friends easily but keep a distance and probably have few close relationships. Your friends tend be freethinking and forward looking, and with them, you promote liberal and progressive causes.


The twelfth house is the field of the subconscious mind, of problems stemming from unseen causes, and limitations. This area relates to behind the scene maneuvering, emotional problems, secrets, deceptions, and problem areas to overcome. This house gets away from the mainstream of life, and lets the soul step back and take a look at the world. On the mundane level, the twelfth is the house that takes individuals away from everyday life. Its associations include prisons, hospitals, and other institutions that would remove one from society.


The influence of Scorpio in the twelfth house suggests guarded secrets regarding beliefs of a mystical or spiritual nature. You are likely to proclaim views on these subjects that are very orthodox, outwardly shunning ideas that are vague and without form. Inwardly, such issues fascinate you, but you keep such interests much to yourself. Scorpio is a powerful sign on the subconscious level. You can transform and affect many people by saying and appearing to do little in an obvious way. Yet the power of your thoughts can be profound.

This concludes your natal chart reading.

Prepared by Duane Duke, astrologer extraordinaire

Text from "Astrology-Numerology.com" by Michael McClain, ©1996, 1997 commercial rights reserved.

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