archived stuff

Older links and things are collected here.

<3 bruce sterling

Bruce Sterling takes Peak Oil paranoia to task by presenting an annotated version of James Kunstler's essay, The Long Emergency. It's beautiful.

I'm still coming to grips with the whole Peak Oil idea, but a good chunk of it strikes me as incredibly bogus, so this was fun to read.

I'm with Bruce here. The best possible thing for humanity would be to sever our dependance on fossil fuels and develop sensible alternatives. It's possible that transition won't be particularly easy or fun, but it will happen because it has to happen. That's what peak oil means to me.


k-cars! no, not those k-cars...

Japanoid is a neat little site that sells 15-year-old, tiny Japanese cars to Canadians. They're so cute! The right-hand driving thing is a bit of a pain, though.


you're a cutie full of charm

Captain Picard as you've never seen him before.


creepy mirrormask clip

Actually, I prefer to think of it as a Burt Bacharach song... (click the Quicktime link).


never ending fall

Is this art? (It *is* strangely hynotic regardless...)


bob's solar project

Well, I do need a new roof...


corolla stereo hack

Some guy takes apart his dashboard to install an audio in jack for his stereo. The neat thing here (for me, anyway), is that this is essentially my car.

I'm starting to think maybe I could rip apart a cheap MP3 player and put it where this guy has a clock. That would be rather awesome. (Especially if I can find one that supports Ogg Vorbis...).


michael grade recants

Michael Grade, who was the BBC1 controller in the 80s who professed his hatred for Doctor Who and went to great lengths to get it off the air, admits that maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.


Sorry for the server outages. I'd been messing around with routers and didn't realize the default gateway on the server wasn't set properly. That's a bit of a relief, actually. I was starting to think none of my routers worked properly.


uw's new pharmacy building

...will be made of burnt toast and maple fudge. An additional wing is planned to be carved from ice sometime in the future.


older stuff
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