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I hate winter

I'm all antsy at work right now. I really want to go outside, move around and get some fresh air, but I really don't want to trudge through snow to do it. We got maybe 10-15cm of snow last night (the UW Weather Station isn't helping... it looks like their snow depth sensor is dead). Not an optimistic start to December. I bet those wretchedly smug skiing bastards are happy. (It's annoying that these people are usually the same bastards who get all excited about 30+ degree days in the summer (the last one being less than three months ago—not much of an autumn to speak of, really)).

I went home for the weekend, which wasn't bad. My uncle got (re-)married. The ceremony was cute, if slightly unorthodox. It was the "clergyperson's"* first wedding, and, if nothing else, she did a good job at putting an hysterical bride at ease. I was a bit put off by her perceived need to explain the big words (like "coveneant" and "countenance"). But whatever. Ceremony and ritual are out of fashion. I'm a bit of an old fuddy-duddy in some ways.

* - her word, not mine.

I was going to go through the Belief-O-Matic (cited from Eric's blog). I gave up before I got through the first page, my problem being that I'm not really wedded to any particular set of beliefs. They lump "not sure" with absolute statements like "there is NO GOD!" I'm going to end up an atheist, and that's wrong. I could make stuff up, but then what's the point? I'd probably end up as Hindu or something.

Then again, it might just peg me as a Unitarian, which probably isn't that far off...

I still want to go outside. Maybe I'll pace around my cubicle for a bit.


Azrael 1 writes:

Why don't they call Unitarian what it really is? It sounds pretty much like a spiffy term for Agnostic.

"Do you believe in God?"

"I don't know. I'll get back to you after I've looked into it more."

It was actually an interesting quiz to take, but you are right about the groupings. They alomost got it right for me by saying 100% Neo-Pagan, but I resent the term Neo being used, it would have been more correct by leaving it at PAGAN!

"I don't have time for your silly religions, now go away!"

Submitted 2002-12-02 13:03:04

Azrael 1 writes:

On another note, I was home for the holiday and had a chance to play Vice City for a couple of hours. In the words of Igor, "It Must Be Mine!"

Have you finished the game?

Winter's a great time of year. The other three seasons you're actually expected to do something besides sit in a warm home playing video games, watching movies, reading, and generally being unproductive/anti-social.

I'm going to miss the snow, and no I don't want any of yours, but thank you anyway.

Submitted 2002-12-02 13:12:01

flying squirrel writes:

I haven't finished VC yet, no. I've only got one story mission available, and it's a race mission. So I'm going around doing rampage missions and trying to find secrets.

I kind of insist on the "neo-" out of correctness. I know one of the central tenants of neo-pagan faiths is that they are the direct ancestor of ancient religions, but from any scholarly point of view... they're just not. ^^; Nearly all of them that I know about can be traced back to some book or something that somebody wrote within the last 100-150 years.(Coincidentally, the KCHAT radio station in Vice City has a Wiccan on. I was terribly amused. :)

I don't think that takes anything away from the faiths, but I can see some people bristling.

I'm fine with agnostic, personally. But then I don't really see The Agnostic Church of Whatever getting very far off the ground. I suspect the Unitarian thing is mostly for the sake of marketing.

Submitted 2002-12-02 13:48:04

Azrael 1 writes:

When I said Pagan, I meant the definition from the dictionary fits me perfectly, "an irreligious person." The problem I have with Neo-Pagan is that it is an organization and that is a religion in my book. Neo-Pagan just seems liks an oxymoron to me.

I like agnostic also. Its the term that I use if somebody asks and I feel like dealing with them. Its quite amusing debating with most fundamentalists, especially when you can get most of them to eventually walk away saying I'll have to look into that. Most of them seem to have no idea what they're talking about, they just believe, or because the bible says.

That would be the perfect profession for me, Professional Devil's Advocate. It would probably get boring after awhile though, so I think I'll keep my amateur status.

I didn't hear the Wiccan, but I'm sure its pretty funny. I did notice that Fernando was back though. The sound track is pretty amazing and it did make me wonder just how much in royalties they had to pay. Then I noticed a commercial the other day for Vice City soundtrack CDs available at music stores. I probably would have changed the station more often but I wasn't used to how my friend had the controller set up. I ended up exiting from the car at high speeds by accident too many times. Which of course lead to running down the street chasing after my car quite often.

Submitted 2002-12-02 17:46:58

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