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I'm thinking maybe I need a new bed again. This isn't the first time I've had this thought. My super-cheap, get-me-through-university bed has outlasted its expected lifetime. It's pretty uncomfortable, even with eggcrate foam and a mattress cover. I also have a futon, but that's less comfortable. I tried putting the futon on the bed and discovered that good ideas in theory often don't pan out in practice.

I'd feel better about spending $1000 on a new bed if I had somewhere to put it. As I've mentioned before, I've abandoned my bedroom for the smaller computer room. There is enough room to get my double bed in there, but it's pretty cramped. So I'm basically procrastinating. I think maybe I can hold out on buying a new bed until after I've moved into a house or something. This would be a good idea except that I'm probably not buying a house any time soon, and I almost certainly won't have any money after I've bought a house. So maybe I should get a new bed now.

The other option is to get a twin-sized futon to tide me over. This would have the bonus of being able to transform into a chair (transforming stuff is cool!), so it wouldn't be that much of a waste if I chose to spring for a real bed later. The problem is, given my previous futon experience, I doubt it would be much more comfortable, thus defeating the purpose.

My problems are so depressingly trivial.


tinkerer writes:

Why don't you move your computer into your bedroom? Then there would be plenty of space in your computer room for a bed! Or, you could do what I did--put a daybed in the computer room. They beat the heck out of futons as far as comfort go (I should know, I've got one of each), and you can buy a pretty good quality twin sized mattress which is what a daybed takes (plus, you don't need a boxspring for it which saves $$$). Then when you buy a house you already have bed perfect for a guest room, once you can afford to replace your larger bed. :> (And did I mention that daybeds have a reasonable amount of storage space under them? They tend to be rather high off the floor, at least mine is...)

Submitted 2002-09-29 20:50:19

flying squirrel writes:

Mostly because I spend almost as much time in front of the computer as I do in bed. (Sad, really). So if I'm staying out of the bed room because there's some funky mildew or something in the bedroom, it's not a good place for the computer either.

Yeah. A day bed wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but it still falls into the "expensive new furniture" category. Expensive being relative... I could probably get my sister's surplus day bed (even if it's kinda girly). I could get a smaller desk, too...

Submitted 2002-09-30 16:34:25

tinkerer writes:

Expensive? Well, I suppose. I dunno, I bought mine (frame plus mattress) for under $200US, but I suppose that was eight years ago now. The futon (mattress included) was $199. So to me, it's pretty much the same except experience says "no more futons!!!". As far as the bum bedroom situation, have you considered buying a good quality room air filter? Then you wouldn't need any new furniture at all. :P Or, you could invest in a nice comfy couch and sleep in your living room (I've done that, it's not so bad unless you have a lot of visitors regularly). And you're closer to the fridge if you want a midnite snack. ;>

Submitted 2002-10-01 19:21:22

flying squirrel writes:

I also don't know if I like the twin bed idea. I like being able to sprawl out in the night. i think the main thing is that if I go out and get a new bed, I feel like I'm resigning myself to staying in this place for a while, whereas if I just keep what I have it'll motivate me to get out there and find a new place.

Or something. It also has a lot to do with me being lazy. :P

Submitted 2002-10-03 22:18:53

Azrael 1 writes:

You should check this out:

Submitted 2002-10-04 11:35:37

flying squirrel writes:

Thanks. These is actually closer to work (and where I am now):

Although I have to wonder why so many of them are for sale so cheap...

I kind of disagree with condos on principle. That $175/month could go to mortgage payments on another $25,000 instead of whichever magical hole condo fees go into. Mind you, I'm not likely going to find anything freehold around here for less than $140k. And if I do, it'll be crappy.

Also, funky bedroom aside, I'd want to trade up a bit if I was going to go to the trouble of moving. I want to get out of an apartment-style building (mostly to get away from the funky smells created by other residents). I want to get ensuite laundry (or a basement, where I can put my own washer and drier). Air conditioning would also be nice.

So yeah.. I'm watching the listings. Right now it's all pretty much moot, since I don't have enough money in my down payment fund (or RRSPs; damn stock market) to get anything at all.

Submitted 2002-10-04 15:06:05

Azrael1 writes:

You could check this place out. It has a couple of the best amenities:


Submitted 2002-10-04 16:09:11

tinkerer writes:

Don't they have duplexes in your area? That's what I live in. A split level, it has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, living room, and a nice big utility/storage room. Of course, I already owned a washer & dryer, but if you plan to buy a house eventually you might as well buy 'em now 'cause then you'd have it taken care of and they are SO nice to have! I share rent & household bills with a roommate and it works out pretty well, except when my roommate drives me nuts with her messiness (she is an absolute *overachiever* when it comes to sloppy living!!!). I could spend a little more and have a 2 bedroom all to myself, but the 3 bedroom had more total space for the price and besides, sharing rent saves me just enough to afford my kid's hockey stuff. Duplexes aren't nearly as bad as apartments as far as smells & noises and that "sardine" effect, but are usually slightly cheaper than renting houses (which is of course the ultimate in privacy). Have you considered the idea already? Oh, but you might be expected to do yard work. Great for the physical workout, but can get to be a pain if you're busy...

Submitted 2002-10-04 21:22:30

tinkerer writes:

Oh, yeah--and we have central heating & air conditioning, too. But, no pool. *Sigh* ;>

Submitted 2002-10-04 21:28:06

flying squirrel writes:

Thanks but... no rooms in houses! If I can't live with my sister for four months, I can't live with strangers. Students especially. :P

And if I'm going to keep on renting, this place isn't bad. Well, apart from the bedroom... But it's kind of nice to have a very large walk-in closet. The rent's okay and the landlord's nice. The only problem is that the arrangement of the computer/bedroom is sub-optimal. And the laundry...

My mom tells me I should get "you know, one of those apartment washer and dryer units," which I think she made up. I would except I don't have anywhere to vent the dryer... I don't have a spare 240v plug to plug in the dryer... I don't have a handy water hook-up for the washer... and I'm not paying for utilities, so I'd feel bad about it if I tried to overcome the above.

There are duplexes around here. I've been pricing them out. They're not cheap. There's one a couple doors down that sold for over $150,000 a couple months ago. God knows how. This market is stupid.

Clever thing I did with that elipsized link anchor, wot? ^_^

Submitted 2002-10-04 21:45:08

tinkerer writes:

You silly! Not to *buy* a duplex--to RENT! Actually, I went to that 4rent place to see the links Azrael indicated, and I think I see your problem--being University town, rental option *suck*. Now that you have a car, darling, I think you should consider commuting. There is a nice 2 bedroom unit in an owner occupied triplex available over in Kitchner. Something like that might just tide you over until your down payment account is healthier. Oh, and you are right--the subsize "apartment" washer & dryers won't work for you. You need to have the hookups built in, and if they aren't then forget it. Besides, those units (I've heard) really aren't as nice as regular units. So don't waste your money. Seriously, why pay money to live somewhere that doesn't fully suit your needs? Why not do a little searching, and play with different ideas? Who says you have to commit to Waterloo? Commuting really isn't all that bad, y'know...not if you can get a nifty place to live at the end of the road...

Submitted 2002-10-04 21:58:53

tinkerer writes:

Oh...I missed that last comment until just now. Er... Squirrel, what is an elipsized link anchor? I'll gladly admire it, just as soon as I understand the terminology... ;>

Submitted 2002-10-04 22:03:46

flying squirrel writes:

...Just that the first MLS link broke my page. So I shortened the link (<a> stands for "anchor"), and put an ellipsis at the end. Woo! Regular expressions!

Never mind. :P

Submitted 2002-10-04 22:16:19

tinkerer writes:

Oh! Duh. I get it now! Yah, clever. *very* clever. :P Gads, I can't believe the phrase "link anchor" totally slipped past me (maybe it's the lack of sleep lately). And "ellipsis"? Ahem-- I kept thinking, "circles? There are circles on his page? Where?" I should've turned my brain on to computerese mode. Or at least turned it on, period! ...Like fer sure, you technogeeks have, like, a totally twisted vocab, y'know? Hello-O-O! How are us e-tards supposed to comprendo???... lol! ;>

Submitted 2002-10-04 22:39:30

flying squirrel writes:

"Ellipsis" just sounds more appropriate than "dot dot dot." :P

Submitted 2002-10-04 22:59:28

Azrael 1 writes:

Was the joke completely missed?

Submitted 2002-10-05 02:24:23

flying squirrel writes:

Um, probably...

Oh, wait! Amenities!

Sorry, I was too scared by "students" to see the "female" part. heh heh ^^;;

*cough*, I would be a perfect gentleman.

Submitted 2002-10-05 23:41:29

tinkerer writes:

But "dot dot dot" is such a perfect tool for perfect gentlemen! Discretion is such a rare quality; a fellow who knows how to use his "dot dot dots" with such versatility is to be lauded. ;>

Submitted 2002-10-06 19:07:04

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