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sell out?

This is interesting.

UW, is of course, my alma mater. Note however that my degree says BMath and not BEng.

I read the Globe article yesterday (no point in linking since it'll be gone in a week) and it didn't say anything about which department was introducing the C# class. But I knew it was E&CE. Buncha shills. It gave me a little thrill of pride to read the (decidedly negative, if diplomatic) CS faculty reaction to a similar proposal from Microsoft. As nice as that thrill was, though, it's kind of sad that the whole school is being tarred with the same brush.

In other news, day one of camping was fun, despite the downpour. Hurray for wienie roast! I still haven't gone canoeing though. That'll be today. Night one was less fun, and I'm having second thoughts about spending the night again. I didn't sleep very well last night and I feel kinda crappy today. We'll see.


wyrd writes:

(Gates is a Scorpio. Duh.) Hm, aren't universities supposed give students the tools they need to live a productive life? Oh, wait--that was before The Plan reached its current phase of completion. (Hadn't you noticed that libraries & primary schools were already under wraps? Not to mention the entire business & personal sector, which were the first paving stones crushed & mortared into place.) Now, students learn all new levels of how to *be* tools, instead. Ah, the exhilaration of upping the ante on the same old game--and by such a skillful player too. Hitler would worship that man, he would. Indeedy.

Submitted 2002-08-15 22:12:23

wyrd writes:

ps. Try marshmallows next time, they digest easier. Especially the burnt ones, charcoal is good for your innards. And don't forget your PFD (personal flotation device). Er, you *did* color co-ordinate it with your umbrella & flipflops, didn't you? It would be sad if people thought you weren't taking this camping business seriously, y'know.

Submitted 2002-08-15 22:21:22

flying squirrel writes:

We had marshmallows last night. And smores! Those did me in pretty fast...

Universities are supposed to be sacred bastions of knowledge, instilling students with the discipline and intellectual underpinning necessary for persuing a life in academia--studying and teaching others. That's what they tell themselves, anyway.

Well, except Engineers. They're tools. Seriously. I'm not kidding.

Submitted 2002-08-16 08:50:00

wyrd writes:

What an odd self-perception to choose to go through life with. *shrug* At least the Gates' latest coup won't abuse their comfort level. My sympathies on the s'mores business. Camping fare has its challenges, doesn't it? I recently spent 9 days camping, and it took 5 mornings and attempts by two different methods before I was able to brew a cup of coffee that was reasonably drinkable. Perhaps your engineers could invent a Mr. Coffee that operates efficiently on batteries or propane? But they wouldn't be able to use a pipe on it, I'm afraid.

Submitted 2002-08-17 15:34:00

flying squirrel writes:

The Record's milking this story for all it's worth:


Submitted 2002-08-22 12:16:46

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