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Only two entries in October. Not for wont of things to talk about, really. I guess I just haven't been motivated. Right now, sitting at work without a whole lot to do (which feels wrong after being really busy for a couple months), I'm just kind of tired.

I got lots and lots of candy over the weekend. They were leftovers from CTRL-A's post-Hallowe'en extravaganza. I use the term "extravaganza" loosely, of course. I had fun, though. Alas, I can't help but think that all that candy had something to do with it. Especially Rockets! I love Rockets. Sugar is a drug.

Hm. Now there's an interesting American cultural oddity (along with the first place blue ribbon). It turns out that Rockets are actually called Smarties down there. This of course, led me to wonder what they call Smarties (The little chocolate candies from Nestle, known as they are throughout the civilized world). The realization is slowly donning that Americans don't actually have Smarties. This notion seems proposterous, however. It's like saying they don't have childhood. M&Ms seem a poor substitute. As much as I prefer them now (peanut only, please), I can't imaging growing up without Smarties. It's just inhuman.

This does explain why Smarties TV commercials are so dumb, though. They're probably European. Or Canadian. Canadian ad companies are really bad at doing kids commercials. Beer commercials, sure, but they can't seem to do stuff like candy.


tinkerer writes:

Funny you should mention Smarties... my daughter left a roll of them on my computer desk! But when I see American Smarties, I always think of them as SweetTarts. *Real* Smarties are those chocolate candies like M&Ms, only sweeter. I know this because I used to eat them sometimes as a kid, and liked 'em. So rest assured, not *all* Americans went through their childhoods being deprived--obviously I had them, undoubtedly from Canada (we used to visit periodically), or else I would be thinking those SweetTart thingies are Smarties. Instead, I thought those SweetTart thingies were just copying the name, as products sometimes will, and wondered why I never seemed to see "real" Smarties in stores... Here's a discussion that you might chuckle over: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/archives/2000/candy.shtml

Submitted 2001-11-05 23:14:49

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