Resolutions: Health and Fitness part 2: ExerciseUnlike my "resolutions" (calling it that still grates on me...) on the house and the diet, this one's a lot more ill-defined. In a nutshell, though, I'd like to be in better shape. I hate exercise. I hated gym class in school. I hate expending energy for nothing. I never got that endorphin rush people talk about. It always seemed like a waste of time. So the trick to the whole "get in shape" goal is to make exercise palatable to my subconscious. Kinda like the podcasting to work thing. I actually want to walk to work now. I don't even consider the car. Haven't really figured that out, though. Besides bringing the iPod into the gym, of course. Ah yes, the gym. I was getting to that. Last year I signed up for a membership at the Columbia Lake Health Club. It looks pretty cool. They just opened on Friday. I haven't been in yet. I'm thinking I'll aim to go in about twice a week. Tonight? Well, I could, but I kinda just want to go home. Maybe tomorrow. Tuesdays and Thursdays could work. Like I said, this hasn't really come together in my head yet. Along with that, I got a daily fitness plan from my sister, a certified but penniless strength and conditioning coach who is currently in teacher's college. She put a lot of effort into it. I'm gonna pull out the exercise bike and get working on it. Sometime. Not tonight. Ah, procrastination. That's gonna be the challenge with this one. At the very least, besides the walking, I'm doing push-ups and curl-ups every day to avoid the whole diet-related muscle atrophy thing. At least until I get into my sister's plan... comments:
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