Torchwood rantMan, Torchwood is pissing me off. It's not what I expected for one thing. I don't know what I expected. Maybe U.N.I.T. but darker, without any attempt to be all goodie-goodie with alien technology. Torchwood (the organization) has already blown up one spaceship in the sky over London, after all. Not much of a need to be too subtle at this point. But okay, it's not their fault that it's not what I expected. It is their fault that these guys are about the shittiest team of special operatives ever. Gwen is the most useless cop ever. Owen's a big, horny baby. Toshiko is only competent behind a computer screen. And Ianto, who, from the first couple episodes you thought was maybe supposed to be the cool one, turns out to be a complete pussy. And then there's Captain Jack. *sigh*, Captain Jack just isn't any fun anymore. He used to be fun! Now he's trying to be all angsty and John Barrowman can't pull it off. At all. And he can't hold a gun. Okay, normally I don't care about nonsense like that, but his fake FBI moves are a little much. All in all, at the half-way point, it's a bit of a disappointment. The characters don't ring true. They're not particularly likeable, either. I'm just hoping that there's some sort of pay-off at the end. Because I'm pretty sure this is going to feed back into Doctor Who at some point. And I'm not convinced that's entirely a good thing. I'm gonna be watching to the bitter end. Because I'm that sort of fan. There've been a precious few nice, subtle Doctor Who-esque moments here and there in the show. I just hope they can regain some Who-ishness for the finale. And I'm also kinda hoping they let it go at one season... comments:This post is archived. Comments are disabled. Feel free to send me email if you have something to say. | |