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hallowe'en, etc.

This entry is probably going to be long and rambly. You've been warned.

Wednesday I helped put up the haunted house display thing at work. I wasn't terribly useful, but I got to meet spouses of co-workers' sposes (the fact that said coworkers and spouses are all younger than me is a touch depressing, but I'm getting used to that sort of thing). We ended up winning the decoration contest too, which was nice. I didn't dress up for Hallowe'en or anything.

Thusday Alex and Eric invited me out to all the stuff that was going on last weekend. Two dance parties and a concert. I'm not a huge fan of dances or concerts, but I seriously need to get out of the house more.

Friday was the JCCC J-pop party thing affiliated with Anime North. It was a costume thing, but I didn't have a costume. This whole adventure was kind of a last-minute thing and thrown-together costumes are generally frowned upon. So I just went as me.

It was okay, I guess. The nice thing about it was there were places you could go that didn't have loud, thumpy music so you could hang out and socialize properly. I didn't dance.

I'm not very good with dances. I went to a couple in grade 6 or 7. I didn't really have a choice--they were camp things. They mostly involved me looking sort of miserable and a councillor would come over and try to drag me onto the dance floor, and me wishing they would leave me alone so I could maybe go outside with friends where it was cool and quiet and maybe we could look at the stars and stuff. I didn't go to any dances at all all through highschool. I wasn't very keen and I didn't want to go alone and nobody ever wanted me to go to one, so it worked out.

There was one towards the end of Frosh week. I was suffering from a pretty incredible case of culture shock, but I also felt kind of bad for ditching a bunch of humiliation-related events earlier in the week, so I went. It mostly involved me looking sort of miserable so my adopted frosh leader came over and tried to drag me onto the dance floor. Oh, and people urinating off a balcony.

Saturday was the Rue Morgue Halloween dance party. Again, no costume, but this time, I decided to wear a shiny black shirt and black jeans. Rue Morgue is kind of a goth thing, I guess, so black seemed like the way to go. I was pretty much right--a lot of other guys had roughly the same idea. Where the JCCCC...C thing was loud, this was very, very loud. I'm-no-longer-able-to-function-properly loud. This one had more people I know going to it, though. That should have made it better. Trouble is, the loudness made any sort of socialization (except maybe rubbing up against one another, which isn't really appropriate in any case) nigh impossible.

It was a bit of an experience, though. As I told Liz, with all the hipsters grooving along to the house trance mix stuff dressed in weird-ass cyborg or 18th century French noble costumes, and with the stage acts which were made up of women in funky dresses and men in loin cloths painted silver messing with fire, it was an awful lot like those 60s and 70s sci-fi movies, where the filmmaker is trying to prove how weird and decadent and corrupt a society is. Did I mention it was in an old church that was converted into a nightclub? I might have enjoyed it just to watch, if it wasn't so damn loud.

I'm pretty sure I saw Yee Jee Tso there, costumeless and bopping around. I did a double-take a couple times, and I was never really sure, but it's more likely than I thought it was, since his website says he's going to Ryerson at the moment. It's not like I could walk up and ask him even if I wanted to. Loud, you understand.

I spent the night in Limbo and got up long before anybody else did (and I didn't get up very early at all, taking the time change into consideration). Sunday was probably the best part of the weekend, though. We just sat around watching really bad Hallowe'en specials and stuff. I helped with the dishes, which is much more satisfying than just doing your own dishes. We had a very late breakfast and left-over soup and chatted about stuff and it was all rather nice. Also, H2O was really surprisingly good. So I'm feeling pretty good about the weekend as a whole.


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