hot water heaterI have a few moments' idle time right now. My parents' hot water heater sprung a leak yesterday and today a couple utilities people are here to replace it. This means two things: I had to get up earlier than I wanted and I haven't had a shower since Sunday. I feel a bit icky. So I'm stuck here while they're replacing the thing, making sure the dog doesn't freak out. Actually, Mollie's been surprisingly well-behaved. I let her go down and say hello, but she chickened out at the last minute and she's been up here with me trying to pretend there's nothing out of the ordinary ever since. She's an odd little dog. I've taken the day off to give myself an easier trip back to Waterloo. This turned out to be prescient on my part. Taking my sister back to Kingston, the 401 in the other direction was packed all the way there. My mom tells me a friend of her's tried to take her daughter back to Toronto but decided it wasn't worth it and turned back. Apparently they left again around 5 this morning. I'd probably prefer doing this trip by train. The train, however, has its drawbacks. It's expensive, for one thing. It takes two to three times as long to get here or back, even with packed expressways, for another. I can't bring laundry home for a third. I take laundry home just so I can do it on equipment that doesn't suck horribly. And it's free. Well, actually, I make it up to my mom by restocking washing supplies. Oh good, they've left now. I haven't decided yet if I want to wait around for the water to heat up and take a shower before I leave or just pack the car and take off and have a shower when I get home. I probably shouldn't stick around too long. I have tickets for Kill Bill waiting for me tonight. comments:This post is archived. Comments are disabled. Feel free to send me email if you have something to say. | |