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cool storm

I'm writing this with the brightness way down on the monitor and one eye keeping an eye on the storm out my window. It's really neat. Bolts of lightning snake across the sky. The really bright ones will shoot straight down to the ground.

The storm's pretty far away, so I'm not too worried about my monitor blowing up in my face.

I finished Beholder's Eye last night. I stayed up too late last night doing it, too. I'm very glad I followed the whim and picked it up. I find the best books from random encounters like this. Esen's a great character—superficially very alien, but really easy to relate to. The book's clever and witty and fun and emotionally involving. It's just great. I'm tempted to go out and get the next book in the series and let it jump the queue.

I've pretty much decided I'm going to CN Anime on Saturday. That'll be my third convention this year. I think that's a little excessive, personally, but it might be fun. I think I'm mostly going for the Megatokyo stuff. Maybe I'll buy something.

Hm. I think the storm has passed us over.


Dan writes:

Oh! Oh! If you're going, do you think you can do me a favor and pick up a big Sakura poster if you see one? If it's trouble though, just forget I asked. : /

But if you can, I'll pay ya back next CTRL-A show. : D

Actually, how about I pay ya back, and buy you dinner sometime, too (maybe a few times)? I'm always feeling pretty lousy for always bumming webspace and stuff/time offa ya... and for the Captain Mercury, too, ya know! : ( : ( *sigh* I'm such a lousy guy. : P

Submitted 2003-08-22 08:32:15

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