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I feel like an ass for missing the anime club meeting yesterday. I just forgot about it. I'd thought about it yesterday morning, but by the time the work day was over, I guess I just wanted to go home and veg out. It wasn't until later that night when John asked why I wasn't there that I realized I'd missed it. And that was around 10pm or so, a DNS failure at my ISP rendering me unwired.

Oh well. For various reasons, it was an important meeting. But life goes on. Stuff.

I have been so out of it lately. I figure it's the usual winter-related lack of fresh air and sunshine. If I get my current project done at work in time, I think I'm going to go back to Belleville for the weekend in a couple weeks. I'm going back in February sometime regardless. I need to pcik up a belated Christmas present that got held up at customs. (My mother has since vowed never to order anything over the Internet again).

Yes, I picked up Sim City 4 on the weekend. It's pretty wonderful, but it's become clear that I need more RAM. SC4 is really just an incremental improvement over SC3000. There's a more intuitive zoning brush, more useful graphs, a better rewards system, better graphics, etc. Being able to move your Sims in is cute (my Sims were wiped from my harddrive some time ago, but they give you generic Sims to use), but it's not really anything special. They tell you how they're doing, and you can watch them drive to work and back. And they die off, to be replaced by their offspring. SC4 probably isn't a must-have for Sims fans, though. You still can't really do anything with them on an individual level. Except maybe get a giant robot to step on their house. I haven't tried that.


tinkerer writes:

What an awesome gift! Hey, I'd wait for that :P Darned expensive, tho'. Why so much, I wonder? Must have some really special features; be sure to give us a report, ok? And tell your mom it was surely a fluke, that customs thing ('cause hey! if she orders presents like that, you don't want her to stop!) Belated Merry Christmas, spacey squirrel.

Submitted 2003-01-21 23:26:22

flying squirrel writes:

Merry Belated Christmas to you too. I was starting to worry. ^^;

My mom vows a lot of things. She'll get over it. :)

I figure it's expensive because they know that Doctor Who fans aren't kids--they're aging geeks with too much disposable income. *cough*. That, and these guys really do make good stuff. I got myself a talking Dalek a year or so ago... Wonderful. Considering most Doctor Who merchandise has been pretty crappy, these things are doubly great.

I'll take pictures of my new toy when I get it home.

Submitted 2003-01-23 23:21:56

tinkerer writes:

Heya--did ya see that things got a little chilly in Atlanta, Georgia? Below freezing, anyway, with a nasty little wind chill thang tossed in. So they closed the schools, so the poor little children could stay home and warm. Then they closed the highways... heaven forbid, there was *ice* on them! Ok, we now pause while those of us who live with those conditions 4-6 months of the year (and function just fine around them) give a collective guffaw ;>

Submitted 2003-01-23 23:43:16

flying squirrel writes:

I got new windshield wipers today! Turns out that it's pretty easy to shred a windshield wiper by hacking at it with an ice scraper at 20 below. Who knew? I got spiffy teflon winter blades to get me through the next month or so.

This winter has been nasty. Cold cold cold. And a little bit of snow pretty much every night has meant that driving's been tricky at best. I think I've got a handle on the winter driving thing, though. It's all about inertia. I feel like I'm play Space Taxi out there...

Submitted 2003-01-25 17:36:00

tinkerer writes:

Poor shivering squirrel. ;> Actually, I'm rather relieved that we've had an unusually warm, dry winter here since my car needs new tires (another necessity--tires with good tread--for winter driving. Make a note of that!). In fact, I just got home from a hockey tournament in Canada...seeing all that snow was, hm, nostalgic. Oh, and try turning on the car & warming it up a few minutes with the defroster on before attacking the windows with the scraper. If you can warm up the blades enough to lift them, you'll save yourself the aggravation and expense of replacing them constantly, with the added bonus that the ice is easier to scrape when softened. I actually had a spare car key made, so I can let the car warm up yet be locked while I stay indoors and warm. How's that for comfort? :P

Submitted 2003-01-26 19:16:25

flying squirrel writes:

Yeah, my overenthusiastic scrapering was dumb. But the new wipers work better.

I had to use the scraper to get rid of all the crap jammed up in my wheel well this morning. There was so much snow packed in there that my tires were rubbing against it, and going over bumps mad led to "thud" noises. I could go for a warming trend right about now. :P

It's good for the trees, I tell myself. :P

Submitted 2003-01-28 16:49:20

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