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more on sleep deprivation

I forgot to turn on my alarm last night. I woke up in the middle of this dream in which I and Morgan Freeman (?) were running around as soldiers in this futuristic dystopia (maybe because I started back into Ender's Game last night), which somehow segued into a Seinfeld movie. I don't even like Seinfeld. The implausibility of that was enough for my subconscious to interject a "Hey, isn't today Monday? Shouldn't there be an alarm or something about now?"

I checked the clock and it said 9:55. I got into work at about 10:30.

It seems appropriate punishment, then, that I'm going to have to force myself to get into work at 9 for the rest of the week. It's going to kill me, but my demi-boss is up from Chicago and there are going to be meetings. Lots of meetings. I don't know how I'm going to stay awake.

I gave up and picked up the Vice City hint guide yesterday (I wanted to get the with all the secrets), along with a couple of novels by Charlotte MacLeod (who wrote Rest You Merry). I'll start into them when I'm done Ender's Game.

I had a migraine most of the day yesterday. I could really do with some more sleep. And better air. My neighbour across the hall has decided that everybody should experience her incense, and has left a few sticks out in the stairwell for us to enjoy. I hate incense. Bad enough when she was keeping the stuff in her apartment. I realize the stairwell routinely smells bad, but not it smells bad with incense. She's probably smoking pot. I hope the landlord sees it and does something about it.


tinkerer writes:

Squirrel, you need some perspective. Just for laughs, why don't we switch schedules awhile? Here's how to do it: Set your alarm for 5:45. Get up at 6. Yes, A.M.! Get ready for work. Get child up at 6:45, and get her ready for day. Get into car at 7:15 and proceed to take child to school and self to work. Be at your desk beginning work by 8 a.m. sharp. Failing to do so will be noted by your boss, who will put you on probation (not a good thing). Work until 5 p.m. Back to car. Go get child. Go home. It is now 6 p.m. Fix dinner. Eat. Do dishes. Now it is 7:30 p.m. Help with homework. Do some housework. It is now 9 p.m. Oh, did you get any downtime? No? Well, maybe this is a good time to get it. Or should you spend quality time with the child, who has barely seen you except to eat and do homework? Make a choice, enjoy the time... Unless it is Wednesday, because the kid has hockey practice and you don't even get home and *think* about dinner until 7 p.m. Or unless you needed to run any errands, which can't be done during the day (duh! You're at work from 8-5, non-negotiable, and gotta get the kid before daycare charges overtime, remember?), in which case you won't get home until 7, 8, 9 p.m. to do the dinner/dishes/homework thing... Oh, and things also get screwy on school skate night, and when there are school programs, and on team photo night, and if any friends or family are having a special occasion night (birthday, etc.), or school conference, or holiday activities like Halloween or Christmas programs etc. (Don't worry, these scheduling concerns only happen about 2-4 times a week...) Do this EVERY DAY, except for weekends, which is when you still have to get up between 5-7 a.m. (hockey practice, y'know), and then spend the rest of the day catching up on all the stuff you didn't finish during the weeknights, barring more activities to attend (it kinda comes with having any kind of social life). BUT...it really is ok, y'know? Because after awhile you'll just get numb, and six hours of undisturbed sleep will make you feel *great*. :p So, darling, when do we switch??? I can hardly wait, in spite of the stupid incense... (btw, here's a tip: when you get up in the morning, turn your alarm off and then IMMEDIATELY turn it back ON. Then when you're goofy by bedtime, you don't have to remember if you set it.)

Submitted 2002-12-10 00:05:00

tinkerer writes:

Oh, and have you tried this for migraines? I've had them regularly for 24 years, and this finally did the trick for me: take both Tylenol (or generic equivalent) and Advil (ditto) at the same time. Seems too easy, but these nip mine in the bud and I just troop right on with my life. It's best if you do this right when the aura starts (provided you get that warning) and before the pain levels you. Failing that, even if the pain has started it may help make it bearable enough to get through the day without crawling back into bed. On the other hand, this doesn't work at all for my sister's migraines. But then, hers are caused by lack of sleep, so going back to bed is truly what *she* needs! Worth trying, maybe?

Submitted 2002-12-10 00:11:06

flying squirrel writes:

My alarm gives me the most trouble on Mondays, since it's been off for the weekend. Of course, this means I'm liable to miss He-Man on Saturday morning at 10, but I can catch it again when it repeats later that night (followed by Superfriends!).

Oh, Tink, you should know by now I don't write stuff like that without at least a little (or quite a lot, usually) of self-mockery. I know I have it pretty good. Except for the disquieting feeling that I'm not doing much of anything terribly useful with my life. Well, there's work, which is gratifying... but not gratifying enough, evidently, to convince me I want to be there by 9 when I don't have to. I probably wouldn't mind switching. At least for a little while. :)

I usually get sinus headaches. I only get a migraine maybe once every couple months. So by the time I realize what it is (no auras), I've probably already taken something to deal with a sinus headache, and feel obligated to wait out the four hours until I can take something more effective for the migraine. Advil Migraine worked pretty well for me, but I got that when I was in Florida a couple years ago, and I don't think it's available up here. I don't usually take Tylenol, because it (maybe) made me break out in a rash when I was a kid. It hasn't done anything bad for me lately (considering all the stuff that has acetominophen in it), so maybe I'll give your suggestion a try next time.

Submitted 2002-12-10 08:31:03

tinkerer writes:

This reminds me of a song I keep hearing on the radio, the lyrics continually repeat "you got stuck in a moment, and now you can't get out of it." I think maybe we're *both* a little stuck on our current expressways to borderline frustration. Hm. Maybe you should do something a little out of the ordinary, dear? Take a few days off, hop in your car, and go somewhere you've never been--just to see that you aren't missing anything (and you probably aren't) :D If nothing else, the exhilaration of the anxiety all the newness will cause will make you ever so grateful to return home, and sometimes a little fun gets mixed in too. Trust me, I've done this, and it can work! ;> In fact, take a drive to the states and get some of your Advil stuff. BUT...be sure to bring your life history documentation, just in case the border patrol is pissy (stupid stupid policy people...) Pity you don't get more warning on the headaches. However annoying those auras are, they do come in handy. Oh, and I could give another REALLY onery suggestion: if Mondays are the biggest problem, ask your mum to give you a wake up call. I'm sure she's already up, and she'd probably *love* a reason to call her son. lol!

Submitted 2002-12-10 20:00:12

Azrael 1 writes:

Now why did you have to go and make me start questioning my grasp of reality? Is it a real memory or just one of those many imaginary ones? Not only that, but since it is a real memory that is of little real value it would have been much better being forgotten in the first place so I could have a little more space for important, or at least pleasant, memories, imaginary or real. So...

Advil Migraine, I remember, and yes it is a real memory, that not long after it was introduced the government, the U.S. one, I believe fined but I'm not sure about that, but I know they made Advil stop advertising that Advil Migraine was a better migraine medicine. I think it was the FDA charged that there wasn't any medicine in Advil Migraine that was proven effective in helping relieve migraines, not only that, but Advil Migraine doesn't even havee any different medicine/dosage than regular Advil. Now, not really being sure if this was a real memory or not and having to go to the store anyway, I looked at Advil Migraine, yes it is still available, and found that it has the exact same dosage of ibuprofren and no other active ingredients different than that of Advil Liquid-Caps. The only difference in the two is that Migraine has two more dyes and a minute amount of mineral oil in it which Liquid-Caps does not have, and neither have a higher dosage of ibuprofren than regular Advil. Is that a long and pointless enough ramble. (Ha, you make me question my grasp on reality, I make you read pointless babble)

So, anyway, that makes me wonder why you found that Advil Migraine worked better for your headaches. Have you ever tried the Liquid-Caps? I can see how they would be more effective than normal tablets. If you haven't, in the name of science, and to satisfy my curiosity, I think you should. I'm curious if the labeling has any psychosomatic effects. (If you have any problems getting a headache I can always think of a few ways to give you one)

Now, why would you go and waste good money on a cheat book? There are a large number of resources online for you to have used. How about next time, you send me the money and I'll send you a bunch of helpful links. (Sounds fair to me)

Is your neighbor across the hall attractive? I think that you should go talk to her about the incense, unless of course she is a crappy neighbor in other ways. It would be bad karma for you if she did get into trouble with the landlord when you can simply explain that it isn't appropriate to be burning incense in the halls (fire hazard and all that, don't you know). Of course, if she is attractive, a simple explanation is best discussed over dinner and drinks (I could go down this path for many days to induce headaches if you want). Just because she likes incense, doesn't mean that she is a pot head. Maybe she's one of those wacky spiritual people that find it soothing and such. Anyway, if she is a pot head, they tend to put out more (See, it could be stretched out for days, maybe even weeks).

Submitted 2002-12-10 20:18:16

I was in a hotel in Florida. I had a terrible headache. There wasn't a pharmacy or anything nearby, just the hotel gift shop. As I mentioned, I don't use Tylenol unless I have to. The only form of ibuprophen they had was a little put of Advil Migraine. 200mg solubilized ibuprophen. *shrug*. It was horribly expensive, but this was a hotel gift shop. These things are to be expected. So I bought it. I don't remember if it worked particularly well at the time. I had headaches most of that week.

I haven't tried Liquid-Caps. It wouldn't surprise me if it were the same thing.

And no, she's not at all attractive. She avoids eye contact and generally has a not-very-nice aura about her. And the potness of the stairwell increased considerably after she moved in. She's just yet another reason why I'd like to move out sooner rather than later.


flying squirrel writes:

I checked, actually. That bottle of Advil Migraine expired in February. Maybe that's why it worked so well. :P

Yeah, Tink, I know. I don't think I'm at the point where I really need a break right now, but it's coming soon. I'm happy with how some stuff is going, but the getting-into-a-rut feeling is there. And the feeling of a lack of progress is there. I'm going to have to kick myself harder in the butt sometime soon. Right now, though, everything seems a bit up in the air. I'm just grabbing on to anything solid nearby and hoping that none of it falls on me. :P

Submitted 2002-12-11 17:17:31

Azrael 1 writes:

I'm so confused.....stop it.

Did it work pretty good or not?

Submitted 2002-12-12 14:31:06

flying squirrel writes:

*shrug*. I took it. Not long after, no headache. That doesn't necessarily imply any causal relationship.

I usually just say stuff 'cuz I like the way it sounds.

Submitted 2002-12-12 17:00:22

Azrael 1 writes:

Well, you have me beaten. Saying stuff just because you like the way it sounds I guess is better than saying stuff just because.

Submitted 2002-12-13 01:16:07

Azrael 1 writes:

Here's something for you.


Submitted 2002-12-13 17:26:32

Azrael 1 writes:

Oh for an edit button, I meant here is something for you...


Submitted 2002-12-13 17:27:58

Azrael 1 writes:

Here's something that's pretty cool, and doesn't have anything to do with pimp'n'


Submitted 2002-12-13 19:48:03

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