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jan svankmajer

I had to rush into work this morning to get so I could be in a conference call with a customer in Germany. These guys are a little bit annoying, but I got them to flip a setting in the registry which "fixed" their problem, so they're reasonably happy now. I'm not, because I know they're going to run into more problems in the future. If people would just read the manual and did what they're told, I wouldn't have these problems. That's too much to ask for, though. If people didn't assume that Visual Studio .NET actually worked, I wouldn't have these problems. Yeah, that's closer to the mark.

Tonight I'm heading back to Belleville for my father's birthday this weekend. And laundry. And a meeting with my financial advisor wherein I'll dump some more money into my house fund. I have to get moving on the house thing, really.

I've decided I don't want to be stuck at home alone quite so much and would really like to do more stuff with people. I'm not entirely sure how that will work out, since I'm very reluctant to impose on people. So if anybody has any ideas, I'm interested.

I think I'll work on putting together that Jan Svankmajer night I suggested in Edmonton. I've got Alice and Faust. I don't know when (or even where) yet, but if you're reading this (and, you know, you're in the area), you're invited. Surreal animated taxidermy is fun.


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